Most Dominant Champions in League of Legends

Every LoL player wants to be the hero of the game, and these champions are the ones designed to do exactly that.

Updated on Mar 06, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Most Dominant Champions in League of Legends

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Starting off with the champion that every toplaner fears taking on one on one, we have Illaoi. She is a top lane bruiser that is a menace at every stage of the game, due to her tentacles.

Ganking this champion is both a necessity and an impossibility. With her ultimate, Illaoi can easily kill both the enemy top laner and jungler, while leaving her alone means having your top laner pushed out of lane, and Illaoi dominating the upper part of the map.

LoL - Illaoi Splash Art

In team fights, Illaoi is even worse. no support champion, no matter how tanky, can lock her down with crowd-control abilities and survive her damage, while her tankiness means ADCs having to itemize against her specifically disregarding everything else.

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Speaking of dictating the flow of a game, we have one of the oldest League of Legends champions in the game, Nasus, and his infinite scaling. Nasus puts a timer on any game he is picked in.

This is due to the fact that Nasus has infinite scaling on his Q, and with enough stacks, is quite capable of one-shotting any squishy enemy champion that enters his range. And with his E ability, Wither, it's hard to escape that range entirely.

LoL - Nasus Splash Art

Nasus' weakness is his early game, but when played correctly, it forces the enemy jungler to try and dive Nasus to stop his stacking.

This opens up possibilities on the other side of the map, and what is dominance if not impacting a game by merely existing?

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Where Nasus loses to every matchup in the early game, Kayle can even be a lane bully against quite a few top lane champions. And her scaling is far more clear-cut because she becomes a beast precisely at level 16.

At that point, Kayle's damage output is on par with the most overpowered late-game ADCs, and due to her kit, she is far harder to kite than someone like Nasus.

LoL - Kayle Splash Art

Upon reaching level 6, due to her invulnerability, Kayle cannot be dived under the turret to set her behind in XP upon death, and the versatility of her kit means that, if auto-filled, Kayle can also be played in the mid-lane.

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Master Yi

The jungle role is, by design, the role that dictates the flow of the game. And any jungler can dominate a game with a few early kills under their belt, snowballing it to the point of surrender. However, no one can do it the same Master Yi can.

LoL - Psy Ops Master Yi Splash Art

This is due to the simplicity of his kit that makes it easy to play well consistently. Master Yi will shred through half of your team before you can even stop him, and due to his kit, bursting him down in time is extremely difficult.

Be careful of early invades into your jungle, however, and mute all just to be safe, as Master Yi tends to ignore his team before his first power spike.

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Aurelion Sol

The top lane and the jungle are two roles that, if they want to, they can avoid too much early action. Because of this, their scaling, dominating LoL champions can take the time to actually scale.

LoL - Aurelion Sol at Mt Targon Artwork

Mid-lane offers no such option. As the shortest lane in the game, and the one smack dab in the middle of the map, scaling mid-laners, while overpowered later, are too weak early to fulfill their role. All except Aurelion Sol.

Aurelion Sol's rework made his scaling hit its first power spike with the first item of his core build, making him extremely hard to kill, while giving him ample damage on single targets and in team fights both!

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Finishing off our list, we have a champion that has been dominating League of Legends for more than a decade now, and unlike the others on our list, it's not through damage.

On the contrary, it's Soraka's healing capabilities that often make her the primary target of the enemy team, even while standing next to a hyper carry.

LoL - Soraka Splash Art

Soraka's dominance shows itself in her ability to influence fights on the other side of the map, with her ultimate, thus keeping her ADC safe, while helping her solo lanes get an advantage as well.

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Karthus is the literal opposite of Soraka, with his ultimate targeting all 5 enemy champions when cast and dealing massive damage. At every moment of the game, the enemy must be aware of his existence.

LoL - Karthus Splash Art

In team fights, killing Karthus is almost as much of a bad move as leaving him alive, as he can continue to deal damage seven seconds after his death all around him, dominating the damage charts in every game he is in.

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Twitch's dominance relies on the fact that the enemy must be careful of his damage when they see him, and the entire team absolutely terrified when they don't

LoL - Twitch Splash Art

His invisibility makes his ambushes in lane incredible, and hard to react to before he bursts the enemy ADC down, while in team fights it grants him an excellent way to position and open up with his ultimate to melt the entire enemy team!

All in all, League of Legends offers a variety of ways to win your games. These champions, however, are the ones that do it in the most dominant fashion, making it so that their ban rates are always high, afraid of what might happen if they get their way.

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