9 Best LoL Bully Supports to Carry SoloQ Games

Check out the best support champions for bullying the enemy in League of Legends from minute one, including Blitzcrank, Nautilus, and Pyke.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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9 Best LoL Bully Supports to Carry SoloQ Games

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We start off with one of the oldest LoL champions, and the oldest one on our list, a champion defined by his Q ability, the infamous hook. From level 1 onwards, Blitzcrank poses a threat to any enemy champion, precisely because of his hook.

A single hook hit means that the enemy must burn flash at the very least to get away, making it easier to kill the on the second try, if they even have the courage to stay in his range.

LoL - Blitzcrank Splash Art

With good positioning and just the threat of the hook, players can ensure the ally ADC will be ahead in improving LoL cs farming, while also pushing out the lane, freeing Blitzcrank to roam and help the jungler in getting an additional advantage.

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Following the trend of hooking champions, we have Nautilus, whose hook does not have as good of a displacement as Blitzcrank's, but the hitbox is huge, ensuring a hit on any target not hidden behind minions or terrain.

However, Nautilus's bully potential is not restricted to his hook exclusively. His first auto-attack on an enemy will root them as well, while his base scaling ensures he can kill the enemy ADC in the early-game one on one!

LoL - Nautilus Splash Art

In chaotic team fights, Nautilus' shines as he is one of the best crowd control champions in LoL, with a point-and-click knock-up ultimate that cannot be avoided, ensuring that the enemy carry is always afraid of getting cc'd, even when their frontline stands before them.

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The best support bullies are the ones you're afraid of when you see them, and are terrified of when you can't. And due to his kit, which makes him one of the best roaming supports in LoL, with high mobility and invisibility, in addition to his damage, he is both!

Pyke is a unique support bully, as he is the only assassin support champion in LoL. Due to this, his level 2 strength is unmatched by any other champion.

LoL - Pyke Splash Art

Add to that the fact Pyke's allies that assisted him in getting a kill get bonus gold when he executes enemies with his ult, Pyke is not only a support bully, but he makes bullies out of all of his allies!

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Due to the range of his abilities, Xerath can safely poke the enemy ADC even under their turret, not to mention denying them free farm in lane, until they have two options, either dying to the poke eventually, or leaving the lane to at least deny the kill.

LoL - Xerath Splash Art

That is not all, however. After level 6, Xerath does not need to roam as much to help his allies in skirmishes due to his ultimate.

This way, not only is Xerath a support bully to the enemy ADC, but their mid lane and jungle as well!

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Unlike Xerath, Brand's poking capabilities are nothing to write home about. It's his scaling that is the issue, as the nature of his abilities, quite honestly, makes him one of the most annoying LoL champions.

Every lane Brand is in has a timer on it, where the enemy must make a play to get an advantage before Brand gets his Liandry's Anguish, which is something that experienced Brand players can use to their own advantage, as the enemies are likely to make mistakes in their haste.

LoL - Brand Splash Art

Once Brand gets his Liandry's Anguish, however, his true nature as the support bully is revealed. Together with his ultimate, the Mythic effect of the item, and his passive, Brand forces the enemy team to have to separate from each other in teamfights, or risk getting melted by his ultimate.

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Engage supports that tend to be bullies in lane are usually stymied by the presence of minions. Leona isn't, as her engage ignores minions and latches her onto the enemy champions hit.

LoL - Leona Splash Art

This way, there is no hiding from Leona behind ally minions, and the enemy carry is always bullied away unless they want to be CC'd until they die by Leona's abilities.

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Since her update, Rell has been making waves in multiple roles. And in the support role she is the biggest bully there is, due to her 3 separate CC abilities that can chain CC to oblivion.

LoL - Rell Splash Art

With the juggling of her W, she is a hyper-mobile champion that becomes tanky as soon as she engages on the enemy, making her one of the most broken LoL support champions.

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On the topic of engages that ignore minions, we present Swain, the only support champion whose hook can pass through minions! This way, his engage is far safer than Leona's or Rell's, while also having an incredible bully potential.

LoL - Swain Splash Art

At level 6, Swain's ultimate makes him a powerful opponent and the enemy must think carefully if it's him or the ADC they want to focus on, with the only correct option being not fighting at all!

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Crowd control and utility are the staples of the support role, and no champion can beat Morgana when it comes to a single ability that gives as much CC as her Q does.

LoL - Morgana Splash Art

Her Q roots enemies for 2 whole seconds at level 1, which is more than enough to kill the enemy in the bot lane. Unlike the other champions on this list, there is no flashing away once Morgana's CC hit the enemy, and they can only accept their fate.

That makes her the ultimate lane bully that forces the enemy bot lane to play in reaction to her own playstyle!

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