What is the Best Role to Get Out of LoL Bronze Easily

The best roles to easily climb out of LoL Bronze are support and jungle.

Updated on Oct 09, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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What is the Best Role to Get Out of LoL Bronze Easily

What Role to Play to Climb Out of Bronze?

One of the greatest strengths of League of Legends is teamwork, and when you're forced to play with team mates who have no clue what they are doing, it gets depressing.

Because of this, the two roles that can easily carry games to climb out of bronze are the support and the jungle role. This is because, unlike the lane carry roles, supports and junglers have the option of choosing which ally they play with, based on the skill they exhibit.

Best Role to Climb Out of Bronze - Support

The support role in League of Legends is the one that is paired with the ADC in the bot lane. However, unlike the other lane roles, where farming cs to get items is the goal, carrying with the support tole is different.

The most common misconception is that the support role is meant to stay by ADC's side at all times. On the contrary, the support role is meant to support the entire team.

LoL - Best Supports for Bronze

The most common way of doing this is by either roaming or having enough damage yourself to delete a single enemy, and for the former there are even the best roaming support champions created for this precise playstyle. By doing this, supports achieve multiple things at once.

  • Pick the allies they want to play around based on the skill shown
  • Get multiple lanes ahead
  • Make the enemy lose gold and experience

By playing the support role, you can avoid being stuck in the lane with a bad jungler as a top laner or mid laner, or with a bad support as an ADC. The support role decides the course of the game for the first half of the game!

Best Role to Climb Out of Bronze - Jungle

In essence, the jungle and the support roles do the same things, via a different method. But the main strength of these two roles is getting to pick their own battles.

Unlike the support role, however, learning how to play LoL jungle role is more complicated, and requires more skill. The upside, however, is that farming jungle camps gives a bigger income, making junglers capable of carrying games even during late game.

LoL - Best Junglers to Play in Bronze

To master the jungle role, there are a few important skills to learn

  • Jungle pathing
  • Matchups
  • Invading
  • Ganking

By doing this, unlike the supports who need their team to follow along with their plays, the jungle role offers its best jungle champions who can solo carry games, and, instead of asking their team for help, force them to do so through their sheer presence on the field.

Best Champions to Play in Bronze

Of course, even within these roles, not all champions are made equal. Quite the opposite, the best support champions to play in high elo, rarely work in low elo, and vice versa. The same goes for junglers.

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As a support champion for low elo, Lux has it all. The crowd control to set up kills, and the damage to become a carry in her own right with some items under her belt.

LoL - Lux Splash Art

While her roaming may not be as good, her straightforward abilities make her easy to play, and her ultimate allows her to snipe enemy champions from afar, instead of having to roam towards them.

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Following up with the best support champions for beginners, we have Leona. Her engage is the simplest of all to execute, and her crowd-control abilities lend themselves well to setting up early kills.

LoL - Leona Splash Art

Carrying with Leona is getting your allies ahead, and locking the enemy champions that deal damage down, so they can't play the game at all!

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Bronze players are not used to dealing with a lot of things happening on the screen at once, and Zyra is a great champion to advantage of that with her plants that clutter up the screen entirely.

LoL - Zyra Splash Art

Paired with just a Liandry's Anguish, Zyra is capable of melting the enemy team, as they will not even realize what is dealing damage to them before it's too late!

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One of the best examples of a champion that is a menace in the low elo, and non-existent in high elo, is Nocturne. His ultimate makes it extremely easy to gank enemy champions or invade the enemy jungler.

LoL - Nocturne Splash Art

And while his usefulness will fall off once you climb the ranked ladder high enough and encounter enemies who know how to deal with him, he is invaluable for stomping low elo and climbing out of bronze quickly.

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If you're unsure where to go next, just follow the trail of blood Warwick can smell. Warwick is an extremely powerful jungler in the low elo, due to his simplicity, and high movement.

LoL - Warwick Splash Art

By playing this champion, you'll be able to climb out of bronze easily, just by doing what Warwick does best. Hunting and establishing dominance over the entire map.

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