Top 8 Best LoL Duelist Champions to Master

See the top 8 best LoL duelist champions to master, with Fiora being an excellent duelist due to her kit designed for 1v1 combat.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 8 Best LoL Duelist Champions to Master

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Starting off our best duelist champion list we have the most obvious League of Legends champion, Fiora, the Grand Duelist. Both her lore and her in-game design are centered around her taking on a single champion in combat.

Due to her preferred lane being the top lane, as one of best top laners to master, a lane that is usually isolated from the rest of the game and is all about playing one versus one, this works in Fiora's favor.

LoL - Fiora Splash Art

Fiora's entire kit is designed to take a single champion apart, with her weak spots passive allowing her to deal bonus damage to enemy champions she is close to, and her ultimate designing a single target who, after dying, enhances her healing.

In addition, her Riposte is perfect for fighting back against even the best crowd control LoL champions and their abilities the enemy may try to hit Fiora with. In a team fight, with multiple abilities, it's a hard one to pull off.

Essentially, in a one-versus-one situation, it's better not to use your cc on Fiora, than have it thrown back into your face, making Fiora a perfect duelist that can only be defeated with overwhelming damage.

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ADC champions are usually marksmen with high range that shine in a team fight, where they have a frontline to keep them away from harm. Kai'Sa was designed to operate differently.

Kai'Sa's passive procs with every fifth shot on a target, dealing bonus magic damage, and is often enough to one-shot an enemy champion. Add to that that her Q is most effective when there are no other enemies around, and all focus on a single target, it makes Kai'Sa a fearsome opponent in a duel.

LoL - Kai'Sa Splash Art

Kai'Sa can avoid enemy daamge with her upgraded E and its invisibility, while the other option is her ultimate, which allows Kai'Sa to easily reposition and gives her a sizable shield to soak up the enemy damage.

Whether Kai'Sa is dueling a tank that she shreds, or a carry whose burst she can survive, she is far more than an annoying LoL champion in a duel.

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Some kits, such as Kai'Sa's work most optimally in a one-versus-one, but are balanced towards team fights. Kha'Zix, on the other hand, has the most straightforward advantage when dueling.

When enemy champions are far away from their allies, Kha'Zix's passive marks them as isolated, which causes his abilities to deal extra damage and slow enemies.

LoL -Kha'Zix Champion Splash

This makes Kha'Zix less of a duelist, and more of an exterminator, quite frankly, as he is one best first strike championsdue to his incredibly high burst against enemies when they fight him in a one-versus-one. Still, it counts as a duel, because in a game with Kha'Zix in it everyone should know better than to leave their team.

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Xin Zhao

The things that scream duel, in our opinion, are the challenge issued beforehand, and the circle that forms around the two people fighting. And while that would seem restricted to something in real life, that is precisely what Xin Zhao does in-game, being one of the best bruiser LoL junglers in addition to being a duelist!

His W allows him to hit an enemy and challenge them, increasing the damage his abilities deal against them, while his ultimate pushes all enemy champions, except for the challenged one, away from him, making him invulnerable to abilities cast outside its circle.

LoL - Xin Zhao Splash Art

In essence, Xin Zhao creates a duel even in the middle of a team fight. And since all of his abilities either stack on a single champion or deal extra damage to the one challenged, it makes him a great LoL duelist, that is not restricted to follow the right circumstance the way Fiora or Kha'Zix have to.

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Speaking of forcing the enemy to fight you one versus one, even in the middle of a team fight, we have Mordekaiser, who literally takes a single enemy champion into another dimension so they can fight alone.

That is not all that his ultimate does, however! It also steals a 10% of the enemy's health, size, armor, magic resistance, attack damage, ability power, and attack speed, and adds them to Mordekaiser.

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If Mordekaiser kills the enemy, he keeps all of those stats until the enemy respawns. In addition, the dimension Mordekaiser takes the enemy to is limited in size, making it so the enemy can't run away and is forced to duel the now buffed Mordekaiser, whose Q also deals bonus damage when hitting single targets!

Talk about the odds being stacked in Mordekaiser's favor!

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Duels in LoL are most often a test of skill in outplaying your opponents, and no other champion in the game offers its players as high of a skill ceiling as Riven does, making her one of the hardest LoL champions to play to her full potential!

LoL - Riven Splash Art

Her abilities offer her the option of animation cancels, which experienced players can use to stun-lock their enemies and deliver devastating combos while giving themselves the shields to survive any retaliation damage. Which doesn't exist, usually!

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Pantheon is one of the League of Legends champions with an extremely simple kit. Because of this, he is easy to pick up, but the nuance of his gameplay allows his mains to climb to LoL Challenger rank easily!

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His spear can be thrown to prepare enemies for an eventual engage, while also being stabbed for maximum burst, and his E offers a way to negate all enemy damage coming from a single direction. Add to that his point-and-click stun, and there is no winning against a Pantheon with 5 stacks of his passive!

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While universally hated in League of Legends, Yasuo is one of the champions with the most potential for outplay in both team fights and duels. This is because of his dash, and windwall ability!

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His dash allows him to engage on enemies, while his wind wall can be used to weave in and out of enemy damage, negating it completely. Once he builds up to his knock-up, to set up for his ult, the fight is as good as done!

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