How To Use Special Characters in League of Legends

Discover how to use special characters in your Summoner name for a standout profile, including approved characters and regional language considerations.

Updated on Nov 01, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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How To Use Special Characters in League of Legends

How to Use Special Characters to Create LoL Names?

When creating your profile in League of Legends, and looking at a proposed Summoner name you’ve found online, you can’t seem to use the special characters the others are using.

The reasons for this are simple to solve, and making gamer tags using these characters is even simpler afterward, you just have to know which ones you can and can’t use.

Are Special Characters Allowed in League of Legends Usernames?

If you’re asking whether Riot Games will take offense to the fact that you’re using a non-standardized alphabet when making your username, don’t fret. Like in so many different games, you can use special characters in League of Legends usernames.

However, when you create cool special characters, keep in mind that they are allowed in some Summoner Names depending on the selected language. 

If a special character is not utilized in the selected language, it will not be available to be used, even if it is on a region that allows it. You can always change regions in LoL and languages, though.

Are Special Characters Allowed in League of Legends Usernames

Which Special Characters Are Allowed in LoL Usernames?

As we’ve said before, you may have issues when creating your League of Legends Summoner names, due to special characters, and then see a random Top Lane streamer on Twitch using the same ones.

This is due to the fact that not every server supports the same languages, nor do you have the same language chosen as your Game Client language.

The rule of thumb is that the special characters similar to English letters are available on all servers, though. These are:

  • Lower case: àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿąćęıłńœśšźżžƒ
  • Symbols: ª º ß ˆ ˇ ˉ fi fl µ μ

If you play in a particular region though, and your chosen language is not English, then you may have even more options available to you.

After that, all you have to do is use the keyboard from your chosen language, and the lowercase special characters, uppercase characters, symbols or other such special characters to change your LoL name.

Once you've figured out your unique Summoner name with the special characters of your choice, take it to the next level by letting our random LoL champion generator along with the LoL build randomizer select your next in-game starter pack!

Which Special Characters Are Allowed in LoL Usernames

And if you don't have any ideas for a good Summoner Name, check out our article on the best funny LoL names you can use, and maybe you can even modify them with some special characters!

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