5 Best LoL Top Lane Streamers to Watch in 2024

Check out the best top lane streamers in LoL, from the camaraderie of Voyboy to the insightful commentary of Bwipo.

Updated on Feb 12, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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5 Best LoL Top Lane Streamers to Watch in 2024

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Starting off our top lane LoL streamer list, we have one who is not a pure top laner. If you can catch Voyboy streaming, no matter if he is playing in the top lane, the mid lane, or even the bottom lane, I always recommend him as one of the streamers to watch.

Voyboy is, without a doubt, the best League of Legends streamer when it comes to fostering a sense of camaraderie in the League of Legends community.

Voyboy Best LoL Streamer

A true golden child of LoL, he has played League professionally until season 4. And now focuses on all things League of Legends, similarly to Coach Curtis, including entire map changes, item balances, and more with every new patch, with a focus on the mid and top lane.

If there is ever a stream to learn something from and enjoy the feeling you have while watching it, it would be Voyboy’s. However, Voyboy doesn’t have a set schedule for playing the game or streaming.

When he does, though, you can find him co-streaming with many streamers of the NA streamers community, and teaching what it means to be a good top laner for your team.

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Ever since reaching a Challenger rank in all roles in League of Legends, Tyler 1 has made it to every streamer list there is. As such, Tyler1 is the most famous, or infamous, of all League of Legends streamers found on any platform.

Especially since he declared the top lane as the hardest lane to climb the ranked ladder with, above both the mid-lane and jungle champions.

Best LoL Streamer Tyler1

He used to be known as the “Most Toxic Player NA”, referring to the way he would rage at his enemies and allies alike while streaming, even other players.

It influenced the game culture in such a way that Riot Games banned him for this behavior toward his fellow summoners.

However, only a short while later, he became known as the “Most Reformed Player NA”, and Riot lifted his ban, putting him into the spotlight once again.

These days his top lane streams are not as frequent, but even so, his rage is still entertaining to watch, making him the best League of Legends streamer to watch while just chilling.

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The Bausffs

The Bausffs is a famous top lane player from Sweden, who plays on servers all over the world, even in the infamous Korean Solo Queue.

He is an oddity on our list, and in LoL as a whole, due to his special playstyle which no other challenger player can mimic.

Of course, I am referring to his world-famous Inting Sion strategy. As can be inferred, The Bausffs is a Sion one-trick and has invented the Inting Sion strategy which focuses on taking objectives at the expense of his KDA.

The Bausffs Best LoL Streamer

However, that is not everything The Bausffs is. His playstyle actually consists of out-of-the-box thinking, which teaches players what LoL is actually about, and that is not just killing the enemy over and over. 

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One of the less mainstream top lane streamers on our list is SpearShot, a British Pantheon one-trick League of Legends player, whose streams, and videos on his YouTube channel, are as entertaining as they are informative.

SpearShot shows in his streams that you don't need to play with the most overpowered LoL champions to win games, even in high ELO lobbies

Best LoL Streamers SpearShot

However, the main draw of this top lane streamer is his personality, which is full of quips and jokes, often at his own expense, and interacting with all of his viewers.

If you want to watch one of the top lane streamers who don’t take themselves too seriously, I recommend SpearShot.

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When talking about streamers to learn from, there is no beating those that play League of Legends professionally. One of those is Bwipo, an EU top lane League of Legends professional player.

Even without his great commentary, just watching a stream where the game with such high ELO gameplay is enough to improve players that are trying to understand the game.

Best LoL Streamer Bwipo

However, Bwipo is not one of those streamers that play in silence. On the contrary, he is one of the most informative top lane streamers there are, and actively teaches his viewers how to play LoL correctly.

Due to the fact that Bwipo is an active pro player for Team Liquid, he doesn’t stream as often as the others on this list.

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