Random LoL Champions Picker [All Characters Covered]

Unsure which champion to choose for your next LoL game? No more of that! Our random champion picker is always up-to-date with the latest patch.

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Reroll Champion

Having trouble choosing a champion for your next League of Legends game? Riot Games is constantly adding new characters, which makes the selection phase more complicated, especially for non-tryhard players. But hey, we have a solution: our free League of Legends random champion picker widget!

How Does This Random LoL Champion Picker Work

Just as you would expect – click "Generate" and there you have it; your random LoL champion will be picked in no time. Moreover, our tool is fully free and doesn't limit the number of LoL champions generated per day.

This Random LoL Champions picker is updated in real time, according to each new patch in League of Legends. That said, we cover both the oldest champions, and the most dominant champions in the current meta.... and of course, the hottest champions as well.

How Do We Create Our Random Draws for our Random LoL Champions Picker?

We use the Math.random method in JavaScript to generate the results, which is commonly used to create simple randomization algorithms. This is the same proven method we use in our other pickers on our website, such as random League of Legends champion build picker.