Top 8 Best Divers to Carry Games in LoL SoloQ

The best diver champions in LoL, such as Vi and Camille, carry SoloQ games by destroying enemy cohesion with their quick and powerful engages!

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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Top 8 Best Divers to Carry Games in LoL SoloQ

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As one of the simplest jungle champions to play, Vi's kit includes two engage tools that guarantee her having an engage onto the enemy team, ruining any plans they might have had for a team fight.

LoL- Vi Splash Art

Aside from her basic dash engage, her ultimate is point-and-click knock-up, which makes Vi unstoppable and is impossible to dodge or run away from. With it, VI locks onto one of the enemy's ranged champions, placing herself in a prime position for dealing damage!

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Lee Sin

As part of the all-time best jungler champions in League of Legends, it's only natural for Lee Sin to be one of the best champions in his diver class. He's on the other end of the spectrum from Vi, however.

Where her skill floor is low, ensuring an easy way to be played optimally, Lee Sin's skill ceiling makes it so that multiple hours must be invested into learning the ins and outs of this champion.

LoL - Lee Sin Splash Art

The most basic of Lee Sin combos, the bicycle kick, requires the use of three of his abilities, plus a ward! Once he's mastered, however, Lee Sin dominates every match from the early game.

Even the possibility of this diver's presence being anywhere near someone's lane, makes them wary, as he can come flying in from anywhere to execute his combo!

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Any of the best enchanter supports can negate the effects of a diver landing on a high-priority target, if in the hands of a good player. Unless the diver is Olaf, making the support just another victim!

LoL - Olaf Splash Art

It all comes down to the fact that supports peel for their carries using crowd control abilities, and Olaf's ultimate allows him to ignore all CC, and run straight at the enemy like the Viking he is.

In turn, this play is immediately forcing the entire enemy team to unleash everything they have onto Olaf, since killing him is the only way o stop his rampage!

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The unseen threat is the deadliest, and Wukong is the only LoL diver who can turn invisible with his dash ability. This allows him to seank among the enemy team, and unleash his ultimate, knocking up all five of the enemy team in preparation for his allies' followup.

LoL - Wukong Splash Art

Unfortunately, Wukon's issue lies in his weak early game, and subpar late game. However, mid-game is where he shines the best, being capable of snowballing the game out of proportion.

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In spite of Riot Games' insistence on classifying Volibear as a juggernaut, an extreme fail compared to the best juggernauts LoL has to offer, his kit makes him a diver champion through and through.

LoL - Volibear Splash Art

Aside from his movement speed buff, what makes Volibear an excellent diver is his ultimate. It's an AoE engage that deals magical damage and allows Volibear to jump the middle of the enemy team, and wreak havoc.

In addition, it disables nearby turret damage, and is the only thing in League of Legends capable of doing so since the removal of Ohmwercker! And what else is a diver champion if not one that is perfect at diving enemies under turret?

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Jarvan IV

With his E - Q combo, Jarvan IV is an excellent diver who dominates his games from the start. During the early and mid-game, his job is to kill everything in his path, and survive the enemy onslaught.

LoL - Jarvan IV Splash Art

During the late game, unlike Lee Sin, he does fall off. Instead, he becomes a very tanky champion whose job is to ruin enemy team composition and make sure that their battle plan is in complete disarray!

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While most LoL divers are found in the jungle, or have it as their secondary role, Camille is a pure top lane diver champion with an extremely long range due to her E, which allows her to roam effectively, making her on of the best top lane roaming champions, push a minion wave in the side lane safely, or land a deep dive!

LoL - Camille Splash Art

In addition, her ultimate allows her to isolate herself with her target, making it so that they can't escape from her engage by any means.

And, due to her damage, and the fact that her ultimate pushes away all enemy champions, while split pushing, she is certain to always take at least one enemy down with her!

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As the only diver on our list who can be played in the mid-lane, Diana is a unique case. While others use their engage to confuse, giving themselves time to kill a high-priority target, Diana uses her engage to hit her combo on as many enemies as possible!

LoL - Diana Splash Art

Her ultimate, which rivals the best AoE abilities in LoL, draws all nearby enemy champions towards her, displacing them, and dealing massive magical damage. With her cooldown resets, there is no safe distance from Diana's engage, as long as she has marked the enemy frontline with Moonlight!

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