10 Best Enchanter Support Champions for SoloQ in LoL

Enchanters are the stereotypical LoL support champions. The best enchanters, like Nami and Lulu, help their ADCs carry games with their versatility!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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10 Best Enchanter Support Champions for SoloQ in LoL

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While she has dropped off during season 13, from the best enchanter support in League of Legends, to a situational one, Lulu is still an extremely viable pick with attack speed ADCs.

This is because of her W and E, making the best ADCs for Lulu the ones that synergize the best with on-hit, attack-speed champions that melt an entire team with consistent DPS.

LoL - Lulu Splash Art

In addition to attack speed, Lulu's W grants movement speed, allowing these ADCs to kite their enemies, while her E deals damage with each auto attack her ADC does.

The champion itself takes some knowledge to play, however, since her W is best-used on enemy champions during the early game, for its polymorph effect.

2 /10


When you lock in Yuumi, prepare to get flamed by your entire team, as well as the enemy team, as Yuumi is one of the most annoying champions in League of Legends.

LoL - Yuumi Splash Art

Due to her design, her laning phase is played passively, and the best ADCs for Yuumi are the ones that have an escape. ONce the landing phase ends, however, if the difference is not too great, is when Yuumi begins to shine.

Due to anchoring herself onto an ally champion, she empowers them with additional movement speed, attack speed, and a boatload of healing and mana regen. This way, she makes any champion who is powerful in the meta, broken beyond measure! 

3 /10


Due to the many possible permutations of her kit, afforded to her by her ultimate, Karma can be played optimally only by those that have experience with this champion.

Each situation must be carefully examined, to see if her allies need additional shields and movement speed, or if her W is the best choice for additional peel.

LoL - Karma Splash Art

Luckily, should you ever find yourself auto-filled in the top lane, Karma works extremely well as one of the best top lane support champions, making it so you don't have to lose LP by dodging those games!

4 /10

Renata Glasc

Much like Lulu, who is a situational champion that works best with on-hit allies, Renata GLasc works best when picked into an on-hit enemy team.

This is because of her ultimate, which rivals even the best AoE LoL abilities, as it forces all enemies caught in it to go into a frenzy and attack their nearby allies. If an enemy has a Master Yi, he can easily get a pentakill on his own team!

LoL - Renata Glasc Splash Art

Her basic abilities, on the other hand, are not much to talk about aside from her E, as they are not specialized. Her Q is an average hook, which can be used offensively and defensively, while her W is a tool for trades and shields.

Her E, however, buffs her allies, allowing them to remain standing for a short time after death, and if a takedown is secured, return to life.

5 /10


Janna is a prime enchanter pick in League of Legends, due to her peeling capabilities. regardless of the meta, she always retains her place as one of the best high elo support champions.

LoL - Janna Splash Art

She has the easiest-to-hit crowd control abilities of all support champions, with her ultimate acting as a team fight reset, pushing away all enemies, and healing nearby allies.

6 /10


Sona is, by far, the best beginner support champion, due to how simple she is mechanically to play. She has only one skill shot, while all three of her abilities provide direct buffs to her allies.

LoL - Sona Splash Art

In addition, Sona scales extremely well into the late game, with an in-and-out playstyle that gives her allies a lot of staying power in team fights.

unfortunately, while not as bad as Yuumi, she must never be blind-picked, risking the enemy picking an engage support and snowballing the game from laning phase.

7 /10


Most enchanters have a combination of shield power, peeling, and healing. Soraka goes all-in on healing, being the best healing champion in the entire game.

Due to this the best ADC for Soraka is the one who goes all in on damage, leaving their survival in her hands.

LoL - Soraka Splash Art

Due to how potent her incredible healing is, Soraka becomes the primary target of the enemy team, instead of the ADC.

Add to that the fact that her healing is not restricted to her lane, but her ultimate can reach all allies on the map, and you get yourself a global-reaching support who can easily carry games.

8 /10


Nami is a support who helps her ally trade in lane, due to her high early-game damage on her W and E empowerment which heals her and her ally at the same time.

Furthermore, her ultimate peels extremely well while also being a useful engage tool and a passive that makes all abilities speed her allies up, which is invaluable in any team comp.

LoL - Nami Splash Art

Her only downside lies in the fact that to make full use of this champion, players need to hit her extremely difficult-to-hit Q skill shot, which is her only form of hard CC.

9 /10


Compared to all other enchanter supports, Taric is the only enchanter capable of playing the frontline. He has it all, healing, shielding, stuns, and an ultimate that makes his nearby allies invulnerable for 2.5 seconds!

LoL - Taric Splash Art

To encourage his frontline playstyle, enemies hit with his basic attacks give him his own version of basic ability haste, as it lowers their cooldowns, making him, effectively, heal his allies by damaging the enemy!

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As the newest addition to the LoL champion roster from the enchanter class, it's easy to see why Milio is the best enchanter in the game.

His Q is a peel that rivals Janna's tornado, while his passive rivals Nami's E. And finally, his ultimate not only heals nearby allies, it also removes all crowd control effects from them!

LoL - Milio Splash Art

Of course, to round Milio up with something never seen before in League of Legends, Milio's W is the only ability that increases the attack range of other champions, making him one of the most overloaded champions LoL has to offer.

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