8 Best LoL Engage Supports to Make Plays in SoloQ

The best LoL engage support champions, like Rakan or Rell, are the decision makers in the early game, and make picks during the late game, to carry their team!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best LoL Engage Supports to Make Plays in SoloQ

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From his release placing him in the top lane all those years ago, Nautilus is now one of the most stereotypical engage supports in the game. A good Nautilus locks down the enemy carries from level 1.

LoL - Nautilus Splash Art

Due to his early game scaling, Nautilus can engage on almost everyone in a straightforward manner, and be sure of his victory, with a large hitbox on his Q and a point-and-click ultimate.

His only downside is how straightforward the champion is, making him easy to predict. But with a good ADC for Nautilus, he is nigh unstoppable!

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Speaking of being predictable, we have Blitzcrank, whose entire purpose in the game revolves around his Q ability, the infamous hook. However, it's the best hook in the game, which outweighs his predictability.

LoL - Blitzcrank Splash Art

Blitzcrank's hook is the only one in the game that pulls the enemy the entire way to Blitzcrank, separating them from the enemy team, and securing a kill. This way, even in a matchup that usually defeats engage champions, Blitzcrank wins when he hits his hooks!

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One of the best roaming supports in LoL, is also one of the best engage supports LoL has to offer. No other champion is as capable of winning lane at level 2, the way Pyke is!

LoL - Pyke Splash Art

In addition, as engage supports' playstyle revolves around making plays to give their carries kills, Pyke's ultimate makes those early-game kills worth twice as much. Paired with a good ADC for Pyke, such as Draven of Lucian, the game snowballs out of proportion quickly!

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Ever since a challenger one-trick, called Alicopter, picked up Alistar, this champion was transformed. His simple playstyle, which makes him one of the best support champions for beginners, now has new and innovative ways of using his abilities.

LoL - Alistar Splash Art

Aside from the usual W plus Q combo, a good Alistar player can now abuse Hexflash and Phase Rush, for unorthodox engages from bushes or behind walls, using Alistar's innate tankiness from his ultimate to survive fights, where others need Aftershock from the Resolve tree.

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With his diverse kit, Thresh is one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends. However, while his abilities can be used to peel quite effectively, or get his allies out of a tight spot, his core is all about engage!

LoL - Thresh Splash Art

With a hook that stuns enemies when it hits an enemy champion, an E that can knock back the enemy bot lane as one, in any direction, and an ultimate that slows enemies that pass through its hitbox by 99%, it's easy to see why Thresh is one of the best engage supports in the game.

He can engage on enemies in multiple waves, with no need for trickery, just by using the abilities he is given!

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The Maokai support meta really took off with the conception of his AP build, where Maokai could abuse his saplings to control every bush in the game. Nowadays, his tank support build is far better.

LoL - Maokai Splash Art

With a W that is a point-and-click engage and CC, and a Q that can be used both for peel and engage, Maokai is a perfect counter-pick to so many ADCs that have high movement.

His ultimate, which grants Maokai movement speed, making him engage the enemy even easier, can root an entire enemy team in a team fight. And, due to his scaling, building Thronmail is a completely viable tactic to counter the attack speed focused ADCs!

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Rakan is one of the best support champions in high elo overall, and not just of the engage variety. This is due to his combos that can CC an entire team if used correctly, and set up a combo with the likes of Diana, Yasuo, and Aphelios!

LoL - Rakan Splash Art

Due to his E, which is a dash that is cast on allies to give them a shield that has two casts, Rakan can engage an enemy from 2300 units away, when he follows it up with his W and then extends the CC with his ultimate!

It's an engage that few see coming, and it turns the course of every team fight!

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The more crowd control an engage support has, the better! And Rell is the champion with the most crowd control in League of Legends. One rotation of her abilities can CC an enemy for up to 5 seconds!

LoL - Rell Splash Art

She also solves the issue of her allies not being able to follow her engage, as her E gives bonus movement speed to one target ally of her choice.

And, should the enemy try to counter Rell with one of the best enchanter supports, her Q breaks shields in addition to stunning them, making the enemy support champion nigh useless!

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