10 Best Champions to Abuse Hullbreaker in LoL SoloQ

The best top lane champions for split pushing, such as Yorick and Tryndamere, are also the best champs for Hullbreaker, due to their synergy!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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10 Best Champions to Abuse Hullbreaker in LoL SoloQ

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Tahm Kench

Created for the support role, Tahm Kench is meant to be one of the best wardens in League of Legends, with the tools to defend his carries effectively. He has, however, taken his early-game scaling and is abusing it in the top lane.

LoL - Tahm Kench Splash Art

Tahm Kench's goal is to snowball the game out of proportion, and one of the ways to do so is to build Hullbreaker. This way, at a time when he begins to fall off and would start losing his advantage, he leverages the snowball he accumulated early, into split pushing!

2 /10


As one of the best divers in LoL, Olaf's usual place is among his team, something that clashes with the Boarding Party passive that Hullbreaker provides. However, in the event that the enemy has a way of neutralizing him in team fights, Olaf's best bet is building Hullbreaker as his Fourth item.

LoL - Olaf Splash Art

With his attack speed, and immunity to crowd control his ultimate gives, Olaf can split push like crazy and abuse Hullbreaker's increased damage to towers with his insane attack speed!

3 /10


Seeing as Fiora is one of the best duelists in LoL, and her playstyle revolves around outplaying the enemy, Hullbreaker, and item that looks crude, doesn't seem to fit.

However, it is precisely her playstyle that makes her build this item as her fourth option.

LoL - Fiora Splash Art

Fiora's goal is to force the enemy to play to her strengths and match her in a side lane, in a 1v1. Once she wins, she can easily abuse Hullbreaker against turrets!

And the attack damage that Hullbreaker provides, in addition to the bonus resistances, certainly doesn't hurt her loner playstyle!

4 /10


As one of the best top lane ranged champions in League of Legends, Urgot's builds can go two ways. The recommended one is to maximize his tankiness, with damage being the secondary focus.

While the seconds one is building Urgot on-hit, against enemies he wants to push his advantage as much as possible!

LoL - Urgot Splash Art

With his range advantage, Urgot will force most enemies out of lane. And with Hullbreaker in his pocket, he can easily take their tower before they return. Unless they are willing to spend an Unleashed Teleport to return to lane, giving up yet another advantage in the process!

5 /10


Each and every LoL player who wanted to learn how to split push in the top lane, had to start with Tryndamere. For years, before Yorick's rewrok, he was the alpha and omega of top lane split pushing!

LoL - Tryndamere Splash Art

This is because of his easy escape, and powerful wave clear. Nowadays, he still holds that role, in a different sense. and is more than capable of abusing Hullbreaker for split pushing.

The attack damage especially so, since it works well with both his bruiser and crit builds!

6 /10


Created to be a slow-moving juggernaut, Illaoi is one of the most dominant champions in the game. A one-woman army that forces the entire enemy team to come and stop her, and takes at least half of them to death alongside her!

LoL - Illaoi Splash Art

By constantly staying in the side lane, she can abuse the bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, and not have them lost instantly as all allied champions know to let Illaoi die, and take objectives on the other side of the map!

The bonus damage to turrets is just a side bonus for Illaoi, making it easier to force the enemy to match her push!

7 /10


When played in the top lane, Udyr has the option of building tank or full AD. The latter option makes Udyr a skirmisher, who goes in and out of fights, relying on health regen and move speed to survive and deal damage.

LoL - Udyr Splash Art

The stats Hullbreaker provides are useful in that sense, providing 150% health regen, and 5% movement speed. It allows Udyr to zoom around the map, pushing side lanes,  and by building full AD, completely wreck towers before running away as if he's permanently ghosted!

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Attack damage, bonus armor, health regen, and movement speed are the things that describe Garen! And they are all stats provided by Hullbreaker and it's passive.

LoL - Garen Splash Art

By using his E to wave clear, and the increased damage from Hullbreaker to wreck turrets, negating his weakness of relatively weak auto attacks, Garen is one of the easiest top lane champions to abuse Hullbreaker with!

9 /10


Sion is a peculiar LoL champion. One of the best tactics for Sion is called inting Sion, where he builds full tank, and ignores everything in favor of destroying the enemy turrets.

LoL - Sion Splash Art

He can do this because of his passive, which makes him a zombie and lasts based on his maximum health! And his zombie state procs Hullbreaker's passive as well, making Sion capable of destroying turrets and abusing Hullbreaker even in death!

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While other LoL champions have kits that are suited for split pushing, Yorick was designed to split push at his core! There is no greater mistake than leaving Yorick alone in a side lane for any length of time.

By killing the enemy minions, and raising them as ghouls, in addition to summoning his Maiden, Yoricks melts turrets as easily as the best LoL burn items melt champions.

LoL - Yorick Splash Art

The one unfortunate factor is that Hullbrekea's passive buffs allied siege minions and super minions. His ghouls are coded as ordinary minions, while his maiden is not coded as a minion at all, and are unable to make use of this part of the passive.

But, seeing as they are an extension of Yorick's abilities, the increased damage to turrets does procc with ghouls' and Maiden's attacks, in addition to Yorick's auto attacks, making him, by far, the best champion in LoL to split push and abuse Hullbreaker.

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