Tag Build

How to Make an Elevator in Minecraft [Redstone Guide]

How to Make an Elevator in Minecraft [Redstone Guide]

Building a Minecraft elevator is fairly easy by using some sticky pistons, observers, and slime blocks. You can also make an elevator using only water!

How To Lose Weight Fast in Project Zomboid [Best Methods]

How To Lose Weight Fast in Project Zomboid [Best Methods]

Losing weight in Project Zomboid is pretty similar to real life; you really just have to eat low calorie foods and exercise more often.

How to Build out an ADC in Smite (For Maximum Damage)

How to Build out an ADC in Smite (For Maximum Damage)

We all like seeing big numbers flashing on the screen and the ADCs in Smite are the gods who make that happen.

How to Build Hunters in Smite (Don't be an Elmer Fudd)

How to Build Hunters in Smite (Don't be an Elmer Fudd)

Hunters games are some of the most fun you can have, so lets learn how you can build out a Hunter in Smite.

How to Build Guardians in Smite to be Tougher Than an Abrams Tank

How to Build Guardians in Smite to be Tougher Than an Abrams Tank

Guardians in Smite, they're big, they're imposing, so let's learn how to build them.

Best Kled Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Kled Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Kled's pseudo two life passive is quite overpowered and he can use it as a frontline tank champion during team fights. Discover how you can carry your team!

Best Singed Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Singed Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Singed build, runes, spells, items and counters. Increase your ELO and win rate in the top lane!

Best Sion Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Best Sion Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Sion build, runes, spells, items and counters. Increase your ELO playing this powerful top laner!

Best Xerath Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Xerath Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Xerath is an extraordinary mage that can play both the mid lane and support role. Thanks to his long ranged pokes, he can control the lane and zone the enemy!

Best Vi Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Vi Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Vi wields gigantic gloves that she can use to punch her enemies with devastating damage. She has an ultimate that she can use to quickly burst ADC champions!

Best Ornn Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Best Ornn Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

‘The Fire Below the Mountain’, Ornn, is a tanky champion that’s played in the top lane with an interesting ability kit, Here, we should you his best build.

How To Build Overpowered Assassin Gods in Smite

How To Build Overpowered Assassin Gods in Smite

I'll be the first to say it, creating the right item build for assassins in Smite isn't easy. But here's how you can go about that.