Best Shaco Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Shaco build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the jungle with the amazing demon joker in LoL.

Updated on Aug 08, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Shaco Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

If you love playing in the jungle and constantly invade the enemy jungle during the game, then you should play shaco. Shaco jungle is a powerful champion that, played well, can be really annoying, deal a lot of damage and be a nightmare for the enemies. So, let's discover the best Shaco build, the best runes, summoner spells, counters, skill order, and much more. Let's start!

Best Shaco Build

Shaco players usually recommend getting lethality items for the Shaco build, however, you can also test magic damage items, which completely changes the gameplay of Shaco but it's also really funny. So, some lethality items for the Shaco build are the lord Dominik's regards, Ionian boots of lucidity, and Duskblade of Draktharr among the best mythic items.


Best Shaco Runes

On the other hand, Shaco jungle can be played with some different runes, but the ones with the highest win rate are located in the domination rune set: Hail of blades, Eyeball collection, Sudden Impact, and Relentless Hunter. As a secondary rune set, you may choose precision with Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace. These are the best runes to survive during the early game and have a powerful late game.

Best Rune Path


Best Shaco Runes


Best Shaco Runes

Best Keystone

Hail of Blades

Best Shaco Runes

Best Slot 1 (Rune)

Sudden Impact

Best Shaco Runes

Legend: Alacrity

Best Shaco Runes

Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Eyeball Collection

Best Shaco Runes

Coup de Grace

Best Shaco Runes

Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Relentless Hunter

Best Shaco Runes

Best Shaco Rune Shards

Rune shards are as important as choosing the best items for Shaco. For that reason, you may use the following rune shards for Shaco: Offense (+10% attack speed), Offense (+9 adaptive force), and Flex (+6 armor). This is the perfect combination to dominate the summoner's rift with the demon jester.

Best Rune Shards



Best Shaco Rune Shards

+10% attack speed


Best Shaco Rune Shards

+9 Adaptive Force


Best Shaco Rune Shards

+6 Armor

Best Shaco Summoner's Spells

As a Shaco player, you may time correctly your abilities, because one of them is amazing to gank enemies and it's practically a Flash. For that reason, Ignite and Smite are the best summoner spells to use at the summoner's rift and bully all your enemies.

Best Spells



Best Shaco Summoner's Spells


Best Shaco Summoner's Spells

Best Shaco Abilities Order

When playing Shaco jungle, using the right skill order is really important to deal more damage to enemies and clean the jungle as fast as possible. So, Shaco W at level 1 is an important ability to achieve your goals. Follow this skill order for Shaco: Two-Shiv Poison (E), Deceive (Q), and Jack In The Box (W), and you will easily dominate the rift!


Best Shaco items

There are a lot of useful items in League of legends games for Shaco, but you may get lethality items in order to one-shot your enemies at the summoner's rift. But be careful, Shaco is so powerful against squishy champions, but he may suffer against tank or bruiser champions. So, he's not the most powerful jungle against those kinds of champions.

Best Starter Shaco Items

On the other hand, starting items are so important for Shaco. Remember, your Level 1 and level 2 are not the best in the game for Shaco. For that reason, Hailblade, and Refillable Potion are great to survive during the laning phase and clean the jungle minions faster. Remember to use Shaco's W correctly to clean the jungle.

First Item

Second Item


Best Starter Shaco Items

Refillable Potion

Best Starter Shaco Items

Best Mid Game Shaco Items

In the mid-game is where Shaco shines the most and, played correctly, can be really annoying and a terror for the enemy team. So, buy the following items for Shaco in the mid-game: Duskblade of Draktharr, Essence Reaver, and The Collector. Those items are really great with Berserker's Greaves to deal more damage to enemies in just a few seconds.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Duskblade of Draktharr

Best Mid Game Shaco Items

Essence Reaver

Best Mid Game Shaco Items

The Collector

Best Mid Game Shaco Items

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

Finally, even if Shaco's late game may not be the best in the game, getting all your items is so important to achieve an important power spike at the summoner's rift. Get the following items for Shaco in the late game: Duskblade of Draktharr, Essence Reaver, The Collector, Berserker's Greaves, Lord Dominik's Regards, and Blade of The Ruined King. This is the Shaco build with the highest win rate currently.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Duskblade of Draktharr

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

Essence Reaver

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

The Collector

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

Berserker's Greaves

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

Lord Dominik's Regards

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

Blade of The Ruined King

Best Final Late Game Shaco Items

Best Champions to pair Shaco with

If you're looking to play Shaco with your DUO, then you would like to know that Swain, Yorick, and Ornn are the most incredible champions with great synergy with Shaco. Try to play Shaco when you have strong tank champions or high DPS champions in your team composition. You may also check our guide about the best Darius build League of Legends, who is another good champion to pair with Shaco. 


Win Rate %




Best Champions to pair Shaco with



Best Champions to pair Shaco with



Best Champions to pair Shaco with

Strongest Champions against Shaco

On the other hand, Shaco is so weak against high CC champions or champions who can survive Shaco's burst and damage. So, Fiddlestick, Volibear, and Vi are the champions you may ban if you want to practice and master Shaco in the Jungle and the summoner's rift. Be careful, Shaco is not too good at the late game and much less against tank champions.


Win Rate %




Strongest Champions against Shaco



Strongest Champions against Shaco



Strongest Champions against Shaco

Weakest Champions against Shaco

Finally, Wukong, Master Yi, and Elise are so weak against the Shaco jungle, so you can bully these champions during the laning phase and invade as much as possible because they don't have an easy way to survive the Shaco's burst damage. But be careful, just invade the enemy jungler when you feel confident and your side lanes can roam fast.


Win Rate %




Weakest Champions against Shaco

Master Yi


Weakest Champions against Shaco



Weakest Champions against Shaco

That's been all for our Shaco guide, but if you're looking to learn more about LoL, you may take a look at the best Hecarim build League of Legends, and know more about this wonderful champion to dominate the jungle. See you at the summoner's rift!

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