Top Wingman Skins in Apex Legends of all time

Discover which Wingman Skin can be your best pick to strike your opponents in-style!

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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Top Wingman Skins in Apex Legends of all time

Wingman has been a mainstay since Season 1 of Apex Legends, being most rewarded for highly precise aims in all ranges. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best sidearms that almost every pro player would keep, no matter how much being nerfed to shrink its dominance.

Having said that, with the heat of season 14, Hunted, a huge tweak has been made to Wingman by Respawn Entertainment, categorizing it as a sniper class weapon. Nevertheless, none of these changes has affected its popularity and players are often on a hunt to find the best Wingman Skin in Apex Legends that ticks their checklists.

Here we wind up the best handful of Wingman Skins that appeared in Apex Legends ever.

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Dead Heat

Dead Heat is one of the best Wingman Skins you would definitely keep unless you wouldn't bother about the visual clutter that it makes, when the gun recoils. This skin made its first appearance during the preseason of Apex Legends.

First appeared: February 4, 2019 (Preseason)

Rarity: Legendary

Price in-game: 1,200 Crafting Metals or 1,800 Apex Coins

Its metal-like overheated makeover, mixed with orange and black, is something absolutely eye-catching. The skin consists of a sophisticated design that adds an extra part of the barrel, above the grip and before the muzzle, projecting outward, creates a broad outline of the body. Well, the vibrant colors and colossal body led to some controversial feedback arouse from the community, complaining about its iron sight, that literally makes you miss the shots.

Thermal Rise, the blue version of Dead Heat skin, is also in the same plight. You can directly unlock both of these Skins from the Loadout in Apex Legends.


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The Death Ray

The Death Ray Skin is notably close to pay to win Skins. The players, who need to wipe out visual clutters out of the vision to win gunfights, find this Skin in Apex Legends definitely worth crafting.

First appeared: Not part of an event

Rarity: Legendary

Price in-game: 1,200 Crafting Metals or 1,800 Apex Coins

Slightly dull metallic tones on the body and sunburst stripes in light blue on the grip deliver a minimalistic look and feel at glance. Its thin body truly rewards with better iron sights, providing every advantage you can gain in visuals, so as not to miss a shot in your gameplay.

There are two more skins, "The Dismantler" and "The Sunburst", that share the same model of The Death Ray skin but in different color schemes, giving more options to you, of course if you love the original. Yet, you have to first unlock The Death Ray skin and wait for Store Rotations to unlock "The Dismantler" at 6500 Legend Tokens and "The Sunburst" at 10,500 Legend Tokens.


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Cardinal Force

This Wingman Skin is not another best pick for the pay to win Skins lovers in Apex Legends. But its thin body and jazzy vibed design add an appealing look to strike your opponents in a stylish way.

First appeared: July of 2023(Gaiden Event in Season 13)

Rarity: Legendary

Price in-game: 2,400 Crafting Metals or 1800 Apex Coins

If you adore the anime-inspired Skin of Mirage, "Marked Man" in Gaiden event, Cardinal Force Skin is exclusively the exact match of it, making the first debut in the same event. Having a blend of multi colors from the grip to the tip, some elements even glow in the dark, adding an extra glamor to the Wingman.


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Trial By Fire

If you are so obsessed with metallic shades, here's a good choice to make in the Epic rarity, provided some Skins of re-colors with contrasting animations as well.

First appeared: February 4, 2019 (Preseason)

Rarity: Epic

Price in-game: 400 Crafting Metals

The whole body is painted with metallic red and maroon red, and as its name suggests, blazes are going from downwards to upwards, starting from the chamber to barrel at a certain speed, creating an eye-catching animation. Break the Enemy, Code of Honor and Eye of the Storm are the other re-colored versions of this Wingman Skin that belong to the same rarity in Apex Legends. Then again, if you are after the Skins of better iron sights, Epic rarity of Wingman Skins in Apex Legends does not do a fair job.


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Merciless Wing

Whether you need to gain every advantage with better iron sights to put down the opponent with precise shots or, you are desperately in need of a cool looking makeover, Merciless Wing owns number one out of the best Wingman Skins of all time in Apex Legends undeniably.

First appeared: Not part of an event

Rarity: Legendary

Price in-game: 1,200 Crafting Metals or 1,800 Apex Coins

The fame of this Skin in Apex Legends itself explains that it's one of the pay to win Skins. The thin body along with minimalistic design makes the Skin richer in every aspect of its look. Though this Wingman Skin does not turn you to a good player, you can certainly gain at least a slightest advantage by minimizing any visual clutters during the gunfights. If not lucky to collect the Merciless Wing from Apex Packs, you can unlock it directly from the Loadout.


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Red Rocket

This awesome Skin shares the same model as the Merciless Wing with a different color scheme.

First appeared: November of 2019

Rarity: Legendary

Price in-game: 1,800 Apex Coins or 6,500/10,500 Legend Tokens

A blend of wine red, teal blue and silver colors all over the body and the simple scroll design on the grip only serve to make the Skin more prettier. Being another choice for the Merciless Wing lovers, its iron sight will make you land every shot on the target without a miss allowing more space to see either side of the gun. However, Red Rocket is categorized as a rare Skin in Apex Legends, waiting to feature in another Store rotation if you miss it already. Unlocking Merciless Wing first is a must before you purchase this in-game Store.


How do you get a Wingman Skin?

A total of 78 Wingman Skins have featured in Apex Legends so far. You can easily navigate to the in-game Loadout and craft a Skin out of 52 Wingman skins, exchanged to Crafting Metals. Store rotations feature some rare Skins for a limited time and you can purchase them with Apex Coins or Legend Tokens.

However, you can make your fortune by opening Apex packs to collect Wingman Skins arbitrarily. But if you are willing to purchase the Battle Pass of the current season in Apex Legends, chances of having best Wingman Skins are just a matter of leveling up on the Premium tracker to grab them as Battle Pass rewards. However, you need to wait until the best Wingman Skins in Battle Pass rewards to come back as featured in limited-time events or promotions in Apex Legends, if your favorite Wingman Skin is missing from the list.

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