How Good is Tin Rank in Brawlhalla? [Distribution]

Tin in Brawlhalla is basically the starting point for every player, and it's the lowest rank in the game.

Updated on Feb 25, 2024
Fact checked by Steven Ang |
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How Good is Tin Rank in Brawlhalla? [Distribution]

What is the Tin Rank in Brawlhalla?

Tin is the lowest of these ranks, and is where everyone starts, so getting out is fairly easy. If you’re stuck here, you’re probably just not paying attention to what’s happening, or you have some flawed controls. Keep reading to see what you need to do to start your journey with Brawlhalla ranking system.

Brawlhalla Tin Rank Distribtuion

Is Tin a Good Rank in Brawlhalla?

Being a Tin Player puts you in the top 100% of all Brawlhalla players, as you can see in the accumulated Brawlhalla ranks distribution down below. And yeah, this basically means that it is the worst rank to have in Brawlhalla.

Tin Rank ELO Breakdown

RankELO Range
Tin 0200 - 719
Tin 1720 - 757
Tin 2758 - 795
Tin 3796 - 833
Tin 4834 - 872
Tin 5872 - 909

Brawlhalla Overall Rank Distribution

How To Improve from Tin

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By Optimizing Your Controls

One of the largest mistakes that Tin players make is having improperly mapped controls. One large point of contention for players just getting into the game is control device/scheme. Most of this stuff is just dependent on the player (I use a controller with no stick controls, for example), but there are some choices that will lose you a majority of games.

The first of these is Press Up to Jump — if you have this enabled, it’s very difficult to perform Neutral moves. We generally press Up to perform a Neutral move, because pressing nothing is very difficult to time, and can be inconsistent. Make sure you have Press Up to Jump disabled.

Press Up to Jump Control Brawlhalla

The next important control setting is Prioritize Neutral Over Side. In conjunction with disabling Press Up to Jump, this means that inputting diagonally in any direction will perform the Neutral move. This is essential for some combos/strings, makes juggling a piece of cake, and also increases consistency across the board.

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By Improving Your Mindset

General ranked mindset is another very big flaw for Tin players. When I started climbing, I would just launch up the game and go straight into ranked. All I did was play ranked, even outside the game (never watched replays, guides, etc.) 

Something very important to actually improving, especially in the lower ranks, is not only watching your games so you can see what you did poorly, but also what your opponent did well, even if they lost.

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By Implementing a Warm-up Routine

Your pre-game routine is just as important as your actual ranked play, so I’ll give you a basic routine to start with.

First of all, you should be trying to scrim with other active ranked players. Sure, Experimental is easy, and you’ll probably win, but it’s not really helping you beyond simple mechanical stuff. If you’re not already in one, you should try to join some public Brawlhalla LFG discords (there are countless online). Once you’ve done this, try to get 3–5 people that you can play with from time to time. It will take some time to find people who are actually focused on climbing the ranks, but, once you do, they’ll help you improve, and keep you on track.

Brawlhalla Servers For Warming Up

Secondarily, you should be using more than just Brawlhalla to improve. There are countless guides out there, in topics spanning from more general concepts, such as neutral game, to more weapon/legend specific ones. 

You should be digesting this content, so that you don’t have to learn everything the hard way. 

Personally, I taught myself stage control over the course of a season or two, but recently found one video that described my entire learning experience in about 15 minutes. In general, your main ‘homework’ will be found in educational content, such as guides or coaching VODs, or pro level gameplay, such as tournaments or streams.

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