How To Save Game In Genshin Impact?

Do you have to leave in the middle of a quest and are worried about your Genshin Impact in-game progress? Worry not, here's how you can save the game easily.

Updated on Jan 15, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How To Save Game In Genshin Impact?

If you are in the middle of an exciting quest and suddenly have to leave for urgent errands or your computer shuts down or perhaps your internet goes off and you couldn't save your game progress in genshin impact. Let's find out what would happen to your game progress and how to properly save your game in Genshin Impact.

How to save your game progress?

If it's a story quest, world quest, or an archon quest that you are playing and decide to quit in the middle of it then don't worry about your progress. You don't have to manually save anything, the Genshin impact auto-save feature will save all of your game data immediately.


You can simply quit midway and restart the game later on from the point where you left it last time.

Does the auto-save feature apply to fights too?

The game saves your progress in quests but the same can't be said for the combats. If you were in the middle of a fight with a normal enemy and leave the game suddenly, all the damage you did to the enemy won't be saved automatically. You will have to fight the enemy from the very start with their HP restored to the fullest.


However, if you were fighting a boss in a domain and leave the game in middle your fight won't be saved automatically. When you open the game again you will find yourself outside of the same domain and you can reenter to fight the boss.

Do you have to manually save event progress?

If you are playing an event quest the auto-save system will save your progress however if you are playing a limited-time event's sub-event things might be different sometimes. Some sub-events require you to save your progress to keep the finished result safe.


An example of such an event would be the Metamorphosis of wood sub-event in the 3.1 Sumeru update. In this event once you were finished assembling your Aranara doll you have to click on save progress otherwise your finished doll won't be saved. There are many such mini-events in the game that appear for a limited time during an event.

Do you have to save points?

During some events, players can play special domains with features that are different from regular combat. One such befitting example would be the Hyakunin Ikki event domain in Inazuma. If you are performing combats in these domains and finish a round properly your points will be saved automatically.


 You will see the same point for that round when you play the domain again. However, if your game stops in the middle due to any other reason, you will lose all your progress and will be teleported outside the domain whenever you play again.

Can you cross-save your in-game progress in Genshin Impact?

Yes, the Hoyoverse team and the game developers have made it possible to cross-save in-game on many devices. Genshin Impact is a game with both cross-platform and cross-save features. So if you want to play the game on a new device you can log in with the same account rather than making a brand new account and losing all your progress. However, while using another device make sure you choose the same server that you used on your previous device and fix any Genshin Impact server issues or failed launching issues to ensure smooth progress transfer and hassle-free play.

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