The Best Trails In Rocket League (handpicked by us)

Here are our picks for the top trails in rocket league that will make you stand out!

Updated on Aug 02, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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The Best Trails In Rocket League (handpicked by us)

Trails are cosmetic items that activate when you reach supersonic speed. In this article, we are going to take a look at the top trails in Rocket League.

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Ethereal Trail

This delicate trail is too perfect for this world.


  • PC: 200 - 300 credits
  • PSN: 200 - 300 credits
  • Xbox: 400 - 500 credits
  • Switch: 200 - 300 credits

The Ethereal trail is a beautiful, wispy, cosmetic item that can be painted to match any car design. This trail is also one of the most expensive trails in Rocket League, but we think it’s worth spending the extra credits on.


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Triangulate Trail

This flashy trail will turn heads as you scream down the pitch.


  • PC: N/A credits
  • PSN: N/A credits
  • Xbox: N/A credits
  • Switch: N/A credits

The Triangulate trail is the perfect complement to many of the geometrical decals and other cosmetic items in Rocket League. This trail cannot be traded for and can only be found in random drops or trade-ins.


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Lightning Trail

This trail looks shockingly good.


  • PC: 30 - 50 credits
  • PSN: 30 - 50 credits
  • Xbox: 50 - 70 credits
  • Switch: 50 - 70 credits

The Lightning trail is a cheap upgrade that can drastically improve the look of your vehicle. We recommend pairing this rocket trail with some of the other “electricity” themed items in the game, like the Lightning rocket boost as shown in the image above.


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RTV Trail

This trail will help you catch ghosts, not wins.


  • PC: N/A credits
  • PSN: N/A credits
  • Xbox: N/A credits
  • Switch: N/A credits

The RTV trail was given to players who purchased the Ecto-1 Bundle during the Ghostbusters promotional event. We think that there is no other rocket trail like the RTV and that makes it worthy of a spot on our list.


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Toon Sketch Trail

This Season 2 reward item is well worth the price.


  • PC: 100 - 150 credits
  • PSN: 60 - 80 credits
  • Xbox: 60 - 80 credits
  • Switch: 100 - 150 credits

The Toon Sketch trail from the Toon series of items is a must-have for any Rocket League design enthusiast. The trail looks amazing in-game and the unpainted version of the trail goes great with any black and/or white color scheme.


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Binary Trail

Get back to the basic building blocks of code with the Binary trail.


  • PC: 20 - 40 credits
  • PSN: 30 - 50 credits
  • Xbox: 30 - 50 credits
  • Switch: 30 - 50 credits

The Binary trail was originally available in Zephyr crates and can now be acquired through blueprints as a Very Rare item. This trail displays a Matrix-like animation of 1’s and 0’s when your car boosts at full speed.


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Righteous Gale Trail

This untradeable trail is only for tournament competitors.


  • PC: N/A credits
  • PSN: N/A credits
  • Xbox: N/A credits
  • Switch: N/A credits

The Righteous Gale trail was introduced by Epic Games as a Season 1 tournament reward. This trail is an excellent choice to pair with the Righteous Gale goal explosion, one of the best goal explosions in Rocket League.


Rocket trails are not always a priority when players think about cosmetics, but for a small price, they add a nice touch of personalization to any vehicle. If you’re interested in learning more about the top items in Rocket League, check out our list of the best boosts in Rocket League and our hub for the best Rocket League car designs.

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