Diamond Rank in Rocket League Explained [MMR, Tips & More]

Diamond rank in Rocket League is a top-tier rank, full of players with advanced skills and strategies.

Updated on Jan 29, 2024
Fact checked by Szymon Bielawski |
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Diamond Rank in Rocket League Explained [MMR, Tips & More]

Diamond is a rank tier between Platinum and Champion, and it consists of relatively high skilled players that use above-average strategies for their games. This is where players become good playmakers and strong communicators, though they might still have some preferred plays that can be seen as weaknesses.

As all rank tiers in Rocket League, Diamond has three ranks — Diamond I, Diamond II, and Diamond III. 

What is The MMR For Diamond Rank in Rocket League?

1v1 Mode


Divison I MMRDivison II MMRDivison III MMRDivison IV MMR
Diamond I815 — 818819 — 837838 — 856857 — 865
Diamond II875 — 878879 — 897898 — 916917 — 925
Diamond III935 — 938939 — 957958 — 976977 — 984

2v2 Mode


Divison I MMRDivison II MMRDivison III MMRDivison IV MMR
Diamond I835 — 843844 — 867868 — 891892 — 900
Diamond II915 — 923924 — 947948 — 971972 — 980
Diamond III995 — 10031004 — 10271028 — 10511052 — 1060

3v3 Mode


Divison I MMRDivison II MMRDivison III MMRDivison IV MMR
Diamond I835 — 843844 — 867868 — 891892 — 901
Diamond II915 — 923924 — 947948 — 971972 — 980
Diamond III995 — 10031004 — 10271028 — 10511052 — 1060

Is Diamond Rank Good in Rocket League?

Diamond rank in Rocket League is definitely considered a good rank, indicating a player who has moved beyond the basics and developed a deeper understanding of the game. If you are in this rank, I would safely call you the top tier of the Rocket League competitive scene, as you surely represent some skill and dedication.

Achieving and maintaining a position in the Diamond rank requires reducing mistakes, playing aggressively, and committing a significant amount of time to the game – often upwards of 800-1000 hours.

All in all, being in the Diamond rank means you've come a long way, but hey, there's still room to grow, we're not at Supersonic Legend yet.

How To Improve from a Diamond Rank in Rocket League

From my climb up to Grand Champion, I've noticed that the most important aspects to focus on when trying to climb out of Diamond rank in Rocket League are strategic play and mental toughness.

  • Become an all-rounder. Specializing in one aspect, like aerial dribbles or flip resets, is common in Diamond ranks. And sure, it works... until it doesn't.
  • Increase playtime. Advancing beyond Diamond ranks requires serious commitment. Aim to dedicate a few hours daily to playing and practicing. Even if it's just playing around on RL ring workshop maps, that's still something.
  • Ignore the trash talk and keep a cool head. Emotional and high-stakes situations are common in ranks like Diamond, leading to trash talk and pressure. Stay focused on your game plan and enjoy the process.
  • Moooreee strategy. Instead of simply reacting to the game, try to anticipate plays and outcomes. Work on your positioning and learn to execute more complex shots and passes. Don't do easy plays — do the right plays!
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