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Silver Elite Master CS2 (CSGO) Rank | All you need to know

Silver Elite Master is the final rank of the “Silver division” and is the seventh (counting from the lowest) rank in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Silver Elite Master CS2 (CSGO) Rank | All you need to know

Is Silver Elite Master good?

Being a Silver Elite Master also means being in about the top 75% of all CS2 (CSGO) players. That means, if you were placed in a room with 100 other players, you'd probably be able to beat about 25 of them. The rank of Silver Elite Master should guarantee a player's knowledge of the rules of the game, but one who makes some mistakes that prevent them from reaching Gold Nova.

Ways to improve from Silver Elite Master

You are only a few minor mistakes away from Gold Nova. Eliminate them, and say goodbye to the “Silver division” forever.

Remind yourself of the basics.

If you're a Silver Elite Master, then you've got the basics down, but don't you sometimes find yourself shooting on the run or holding a crosshair on the ground? Make sure you don't make silly mistakes that cost you rounds.

Play with Gold Nova 1/Gold Nova 2 players.

If you have friends who have successfully achieved Gold Nova rank, play with them. You probably don't differ much in the level of play, and playing with slightly higher ranks may speed up the process of your exit from the Silver division.

Silver I (S1)
Silver 2 CS2 (CSGO) (S2)
Silver III (S3)
Silver IV (S4)
Silver Elite (SE)
Silver Elite Master (SEM)
Gold Nova I (GN1)
Gold Nova II (GN2)
Gold Nova III (GN3)
Gold Nova Master (GNM)
Master Guardian I (MG1)
Master Guardian II (MG2)
Master Guardian Elite (MGE)
Distinguished Master Guardian CS2 (CSGO) (DMG)
Legendary Eagle (LE)
Legendary Eagle Master (LEM CS2 (CSGO))
Supreme Master First Class (SMFC)
Global Elite CS2 (CSGO) (GE)

Practice on Steam Workshop maps.

If you know what you need to improve in your game — check for the right practice map for you. Practice at least a dozen minutes a day and enjoy the results in your next ranked matches.

Watch your radar.

Radar may sometimes show you things that your teammates can't see. This is a very helpful tool, don't underestimate it!

Know the importance of teamwork.

Be cooperative and always try to give good info and help your teammates. Don't do rage-quits, don't blame your teammates, and try to get the most out of every lost round.


How many hours do you need to play CS2 (CSGO) to become Silver Elite Master?

We believe it's safe to say that the average Silver Elite Master player time spent in-game is around 120-150 hours. Yes, it is 5-6 days total, but on the other hand, the skill cap in CS2 (CSGO) is high enough that it is not so surprising.

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