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Silver 1 CS2 (CSGO) Rank | All you need to know

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Silver 1 CS2 (CSGO) Rank | All you need to know

Is Silver I good?

As we mentioned earlier, Silver I is the lowest rank in the CS2 (CSGO) ranking system. It contains about 3.9% of all Competitive Mode players. During ranked matches at this rank, you will most often play ranks from Silver I to Silver III. Silver I is often assigned to players who immediately took to ranked matches after downloading the game without any prior knowledge of the game. The “Silver division” (Silver I — Silver Elite Master) consists of 6 ranks, and the next rank after Silver I is Silver II.

Ways to improve from Silver I

Explore the game

Try different weapons/maps, play different game modes and watch live streams. Learn what it's all about.

Play on FFA community servers

Playing on community servers will allow you to learn the CS2 (CSGO) slang (like “defuse”, “rush”, “cover” etc.) and meet other players that could help you improve.

Play with friends of a similar level

Playing with people from Gold Nova or above may result in finding a team with a much higher skill level, making it difficult for you to find yourself in the game. Don't worry about rank for now, treat ranked matches as a practice session.

Silver I (S1)
Silver 2 CS2 (CSGO) (S2)
Silver III (S3)
Silver IV (S4)
Silver Elite (SE)
Silver Elite Master (SEM)
Gold Nova I (GN1)
Gold Nova II (GN2)
Gold Nova III (GN3)
Gold Nova Master (GNM)
Master Guardian I (MG1)
Master Guardian II (MG2)
Master Guardian Elite (MGE)
Distinguished Master Guardian CS2 (CSGO) (DMG)
Legendary Eagle (LE)
Legendary Eagle Master (LEM CS2 (CSGO))
Supreme Master First Class (SMFC)
Global Elite CS2 (CSGO) (GE)

Always buy Kevlar

Kevlar reduces the damage done by enemy weapons. At this level, buying Kevlar will simply make the game easier for you, and the economics don't matter as much at Silver I.

Go through the tutorial

As we mentioned above — start with the absolute basics! Make sure that the knowledge from the in-game built-in tutorial is perfectly familiar to you.

Take it easy

 You're just starting out, not playing for a Dreamhack win (yet). Don’t forget to have a good time during this whole process of becoming a better player.

How many hours do you need to play CS2 (CSGO) to become Silver I?

Not knowing the basics leads to massive loss streaks that later throw you into a point where you have a colossal ELO point deficit, which then can significantly hinder you from advancing to the next rank. That said, Silver I players typically have no more than 100 hours played in CS2 (CSGO), but it all depends on how many games the player actually lost at the beginning of his adventure with the game.

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