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Gold Nova 2 CS2 (CSGO) Rank | All you need to know

Gold Nova II is the second rank in the “Gold division” (Gold Nova I — Gold Nova Master) and is situated between Gold Nova I and Gold Nova III.

Updated on Oct 18, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Gold Nova 2 CS2 (CSGO) Rank | All you need to know

Is Gold Nova II good?

It's safe to say that the Gold Nova II is just average, it contains about 59.31% of all players. You already know the absolute basics of the game; you've won some matches, you shot a couple of headshots, but it's not “it” yet. If you are a casual gamer — congratulations, great rank. 

However, if you want to win tournaments, you and your team have a lot of work ahead of you. It is also the second most common rank in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, as about 8.79% of all players have it.

Ways to improve from Gold Nova II

Play in a pre-made squad

You will never achieve the same quality of teamwork and communication with random players as with a pre-made squad. Get 4 other friends together and play!

Use your microphone to give good quality info.

Info is an absolute must when it comes to the game. With Gold Nova II, you should know the names of all the popular places on the map, as well as CS2 (CSGO) slang, so use that when appropriate.

Try the FFA Deathmatch servers.

Go play some FFA Deathmatch where you kill literally everything that moves (or get killed yourself). Training on such a dynamic pitch can significantly improve your reaction time and overall aim.

Silver I (S1)
Silver 2 CS2 (CSGO) (S2)
Silver III (S3)
Silver IV (S4)
Silver Elite (SE)
Silver Elite Master (SEM)
Gold Nova I (GN1)
Gold Nova II (GN2)
Gold Nova III (GN3)
Gold Nova Master (GNM)
Master Guardian I (MG1)
Master Guardian II (MG2)
Master Guardian Elite (MGE)
Distinguished Master Guardian CS2 (CSGO) (DMG)
Legendary Eagle (LE)
Legendary Eagle Master (LEM CS2 (CSGO))
Supreme Master First Class (SMFC)
Global Elite CS2 (CSGO) (GE)

Take care of your mouse settings.

Make sure your sensitivity and DPI settings are on point. Feel free to be inspired by the settings of your favorite pro players.

How many hours do you need to play CS2 (CSGO) to become Gold Nova II?

‍“Gold division” players generally have between 100 and 500 hours played in CS2 (CSGO). Paradoxically, this may seem like a lot for an average player, but that's how high the skill bar is set for this game. If you have reached this rank in less than 100 hours, you probably already had some experience with Counter-Strike or similar games.

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