All Tier 3 Skins Smite Ranked [Top 13]

Nox's Madame Darkness skin is a masterwork in every regard. However, some of the other Tier 3 skins in Smite are also quite pleasing to the eyes.

Updated on Oct 02, 2023
Fact checked by Hristijan Pavlovski |
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All Tier 3 Skins Smite Ranked [Top 13]

1 /13

Nox - Madame Darkness

Madame Darkness is undeniably the coolest Tier 3 Smite kin. And, honestly, it probably even deserves to be a Tier 4 skin. It's that appealing.

Nox Madame Darkness

I don't play Nox all that often, even if she is generally considered one of the best Mages in Smite. That fact would definitely change if I had her Madame Darkness skin, however. It's leagues better than her default skin, and it isn't even one of the most expensive skins. Hmm, maybe I should get it after all.

2 /13

Thanatos - Reaper Tech

Even in the grim darkness of the far future, the reaper still performs his unappreciated work.

Thanatos Reaper Tech

Images can't convey how cool this skin looks in game. I'd even go so far as to consider it a couple of skin tiers higher. Frankly, it's unbelievable that it's just a Tier 3 Smite Skin. Reaper Tech changes Thanato's appearance into a mechanical angel of death, retaining his imposing appearance, while making it cooler in the process.

3 /13

Ah Puch - Galactic Invader

Here's a skin I never expected to see in Smite.

Ah Puch Galactic Invader

The Galactic Invader skin is probably one of my personal favorite skins in the entire game. It's an entirely different theme from what you'd be usually used to in Smite. Plus, the custom voice pack that comes along with this skin is just so cheesy but lovable. There's nothing bad to say about this skin really.

4 /13

Bacchus - Brynhildr

Bacchus, one of the best Guardian in Smite, is apparently a big fan of cross-dressing. Who knew?

Bacchus Brynhildr

The idea behind this skin is just so funny to me. Apparently, even the Gods partake in opera from time to time. Other skins have made me giggle in the past, but this was the first skin that made me laugh out loud. The humorous aspect aside, it's actually a really well-made skin. A lot of effort definitely went into making this skin, and it shows.

5 /13

Medusa - Nebula

The Nebula skin for Medusa has some of the coolest visual effects in the game, and it isn't even a Tier 5 skin, can you believe that?

Medusa Nebula

New visual effects aside, this skin is just absolutely stunning. So I'm glad that it's easily obtainable for just 400 Gems. Both the enemies opposed to you and the allies next to you will see you as the envy of the match, as you'll be the coolest God around. All in all, this skin is well worth the Gems. Definitely befitting one of the best Hunters in Smite.

6 /13

Guan Yu - Master Guan Yu

Comparatively, this skin looks a bit dated in 2023. That doesn't matter though, as it's still an exceptional skin.

Master Guan Yu

The thing I like about this skin is that it transforms Guan Yu into a character right out of those old karate movies that everybody likes. Arguably, the funniest thing about this skin is that he attacks his enemies with an old broom, instead of his glaive. Of all the Gods in Smite, Guan Yu definitely hit gold with this one.

7 /13

Bellona - Torment

I love Bellona. She's one of the best Warriors in Smite, and definitely among my Top 10 most-played Gods.

Bellona Torment

Torment definitely has to be one of the best skins available for her, it's just pure gold. The quality that went into this skin. Mhh, chef's kiss. It's worth mentioning that, if I saw Bellona in real life, and she looked like this. I would turn around quickly and run in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

8 /13

Kukulkan - Sacred Dragon

Did you know that 2024 is going to be the year of the Dragon? The perfect time to pull this skin out.

Kukulkan Sacred Dragon

Sacred Dragon is one of the coolest skins in the game, as it's inspired by a Chinese dragon puppet. I'm glad then that it isn't one of those limited skins and can be directly purchased for 400 Gems in the in-game store. The new visual effects are sick, and it's a perfect example of the love the developers have for the game.

9 /13

Hades - Soultaker

Hades is my most-played Mage, and when I first saw this skin, my jaw dropped.

Hades Soultaker

I don't really know how to describe this skin. I guess the best I got is that this is exactly what I'd expect Hades to look like if I ever met him in real life. The feeling isn't even intimidating or scary, it's just... sublime. And it only costs 400 Gems. A steal in my opinion.

10 /13

Hun Batz - Space Monkey

This is one of the best Tier 3 Skins in Smite, just because it looks so derpy.

Hun Batz Space Monkey

Hun Batz's face does it for me. It just looks so out of place and unusual that you develop an endearing feeling towards it. Plus, let's be honest for a moment. There's probably nothing funnier in this world than a monkey in a space suit. Enough said.

11 /13

Nemesis - Blind Vengeance

Nemesis has one of the coolest Tier 2 skins in Smite. Her Tier 3 skins aren't all that bad either.

Nemesis Blind Vengeance

Blinde Vengeance also gives Nemesis a new voice pack. It isn't anything special, however, certain lines are definitely charming. Plus, it turns Nemesis into a ninja. And remember the agreement we made in middle school? That's right. Ninjas are the coolest thing ever. Hence why this is one of the coolest Tier 3 skins in the game.

12 /13

Eset - Scarlet Coven

Scarlet Coven turns the radiant Eset into a mistress of the dark arts.

Eset Scarlet Coven

This is one of those skins that are simple, but are an absolute joy to look at. The voice pack that comes along with this skin is a bit weird, as it gives Eset a strange Russian accent, but alright. All in all, this skin is well worth the Gems. If you see it at a discount during an event, you should definitely consider buying it.

13 /13

Chiron - Hellrider

Hellrider is one of those skins that undeniably go hard.

Chiron Hellrider

It clads the usually benevolent-looking Chiron in a suit of flaming black armor, giving him a hellish look that is gorgeous to look at. Some Tier 3 skins are just recolors, not this one. This one fundamentally changes how Chiron looks, while still keeping his usual playstyle.

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