The Best Tier 4 Skins in Smite Ranked [Top 10]

Dreadbeard Poseidon, He Bro, Dark Lord Sun Wukong. All of these are cool skins, but which one is the best Tier 4 Skin in Smite?

Updated on Oct 12, 2023
Fact checked by Hristijan Pavlovski |
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The Best Tier 4 Skins in Smite Ranked [Top 10]

1 /10

He Bro - He Bo

Opening our list, we have the best Tier 4 skin in Smite – He Bo's He Bro. This one has a rather minimalistic approach to its redesign. However, it's exactly that fact that makes it one of the best skins in Smite, better than all the other skins combined. 

He Bro

Just look at it, it's just so silly... It's perfect! He Bo now has a surfboard, a leather hat, and various other surfer baubles and trinkets. With this skin, not only will you be dealing a load of damage, but you'll also be one of the prettiest Gods in Smite. And that... that's definitely something.

2 /10

Dark Lord - Sun Wukong

If you're a Star Wars fan, you'll definitely love this skin. The custom voice pack is really sick! I'd definitely rank it a few skin tiers higher.

Dark Lord

The developers over at Hi-Rez really went over and under when designing this skin, as it fundamentally changes how Sun Wukong looks and feels. And frankly, it's impressive to me that it's only a Tier 4 Skin, as it can easily fall into the Tier 5 Smite skins category as well. With this skin equipped, you'll undoubtedly be the coolest God around.

3 /10

Dreadbeard Poseidon - Poseidon

This skin was actually one of the earliest Tier 4 skins in Smite. Its age becomes apparent if you're looking at the skin in 2023. Nevertheless, it's still one of the best God skins.

Dreadbeard Poseidon

The Dreadbeard skin turns the mythical Poseidon into the legendary Blackbeard. A fitting skin for one of the best Mages in Smite. If you've ever wanted to ride the 7 seas dressed up as a pirate, now's your chance. Everything about this skin is just perfect, from the burning flints in his beard to the three pistols strapped onto his chest, to the cannon staff, to the ornate cutlass... Pure style!

4 /10

Renegade Awilix - Awilix

Mecha Jaguars!!! I prove my point. No need to explain why it's one of the best God skins in Smite.

Renegade Awilix

If we were to solely look at Awilix, this skin would be unimpressive. However, the fact that her jaguars get turned into mecha jaguars makes this skin ten times better. This skin turns Awilix into a post-apocalyptic survivor, equipped with everything that a post-apocalyptic survivor needs to survive the wasteland: A cool leather jacket, an intimidating weapon, and freaking metal jaguars!

5 /10

Slaughterhouse Chaac - Chaac

If you're a fan of slasher movies, you'll absolutely love the Slaughterhouse Chaac skin, as it's one of the best God skins in the game, and it isn't even one of the most expensive skins too.

Slaughterhouse Chaac

Historically speaking, Chaac is a weird God. In some Seasons he's one of the best Guardian Gods in Smite, while in other Seasons he's nothing more than a glorified punching bag. Regardless of what you think of Chaac, it's undeniable that he has some of the coolest skins in the game, with the Slaughterhouse skin being just one example of that.

6 /10

G.E.B 1

Who doesn't love a good robot skin? Especially if it has a custom voice pack.

G.E.B 1

The G.E.B 1 skin turns our beloved Geb into a robotic guardian from the future. Gone are the imperfections of rock. G.E.B 1 is entirely metallic baby! That's why it's one of the coolest Tier 4 God skins in Smite. All in all, it fundamentally changes every aspect of Geb. Well worth the 600 Gems that it costs.

7 /10

Ravin' Ravana - Ravana

Ravana is one of the best Assassins Gods in Smite. As such, he has to look the part too. That's why this skin is a total killer! Definitely one of the cooler exclusive skins in the game.

Ravin' Ravana

It's important for Assassins to stay up to date with pop culture, and there's nothing more symbolic of pop culture than a rave. Hence, why we have Ravin' Ravana. Bad puns aside, this skin is really good, which is why it deserves a spot among the best Tier 4 Skins in Smite. The only downside to this skin is that it hides Ravana's beautiful mug. But hey, you can't have everything now, can ya?

8 /10

Ski Patrol Skadi - Skadi

The economy of Asgard must be really bad if Skadi has to take up a job as a Ski Patrolwoman. It's undeniable that she looks good in uniform though.

Ski Patrol Skadi

Ski Patrol Skadi turns the illustrious Skadi into a Ski Patrolwoman. That's cool by itself. But what's even cooler is the fact that it turns her wolves into Saint Bernards, which is just absolutely adorable. If you're a canine lover, then this is definitely the best Tier 4 Smite Skin for you.

9 /10

G.I. Zhong - Zhong Kui

Some men just want to watch the world burn. Others want to quench those fires, that's where Zhong Kui comes in with his exclusive skin.

G.I. Zhong

Even though G.I. Zhong doesn't quite roll off the tongue as G.I. Joe does, it's still a pretty cool skin. I'd go as far as to say that it's one of the best Tier 4 Smite Skins even. This skin turns Zhong Kui into a G.I. right out of the G.I. Joe universe, equipped with all the iconic tools that the G.I. needs: grenades, bandoliers of ammunition, and a large minigun. The evil spirits can come and git sum!

10 /10

Dark Whisperer - Ah Muzen Cab

Nowadays with Cthulu being in the game, it's hard to imagine a time when he wasn't present. But, many years ago, the Dark Whisperer skin was the only Lovecraft reference we had.

Dark Whisperer

The Dark Whisperer skin turns Ah Muzen Cab into a Lovecraftian horror. Admittedly, not as muscular or terrifying as Cthulu, yet still intimidating enough. The most surprising thing about this skin is that it still holds up even after all these years, a true testament to the dev's love of this game. Arguably one of the coolest limited skins in the game.

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