How to dodge in Genshin Impact? (Step-By-Step Guide)

If you are in the middle of critical combat, you would like to finish the enemy without losing much HP. Let's learn how to dodge properly in Genshin Impact.

Updated on Sep 18, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How to dodge in Genshin Impact? (Step-By-Step Guide)

As a Genshin Impact player, there are chances that you will be often engaged in combat, it is essential to dodge attacks from enemies and bosses and avoid damage as much as possible. To battle more efficiently and keep playing without much hindrance you must learn to dodge swiftly and keep your team alive.

How to dodge attacks?

To dodge attacks quickly and accurately you need to remember the enemy's attack patterns and style. This may take a while but with enough combat practice, you can do that. Following are the most common and easiest ways to dodge damage from both short distances or ranged attacks:-

Move Sideways


The easiest way to dodge is to move aside from the spot that is going to be hit by the attack. PC players can do this by pressing the W, S, A, and D keys that they use for walking and running their characters. Mobile players can use the navigation buttonspresent on their screens to do the same.

Sprint away


A sprint offers more benefits than just going sideways. Use the sprint key on your mobile device or right-click on your computer to dash away from the opponent at the time of impact. However, while sprinting make sure to keep an eye on your stamina. If you run out of stamina at the wrong time you might not be able to protect yourself from attacks.

How to avoid attacks if you can't dodge them?

To protect yourself from attacks that either are difficult to avoid or when you don't have enough time to move sideways or sprint away then you can try doing the following:-

Use elemental burst animation


It's a fact that few people realize, but Elemental Burst can help you avoid damage. Invulnerability is temporarily granted by your Elemental Burst's starting animation. The animation for the Elemental Burst varies from character to character, some may have a long animation while some may not have one at all. Overall, it is very easy to dodge attacks using your Elemental Burst.

Use strong shields


The main character of a shield is to protect your characters from usually non-dodgeable attacks such as Childe's boss fight whale attack. Strong and well-built shielders like Zhongli and Thoma are great choices, if you are a beginner then Noelle is another reliable shielder + healer to consider. Make sure to level up your shielder fast and select the right artifacts to build them as they will be very helpful while facing strong bosses.

Using Special Sprint Characters


Characters like Ayaka, and Mona have a special sprint ability, they can go underground while spriting and make it impossible for the enemies to attack them. The character Yelan's elemental skill allows her to move rapidly while gaining resistance to attack interruption. Many people pull for these characters in the gacha system game as they are very useful for avoiding attacks in the spiral abyss, where one can't use healing foods.

How to protect yourself from a boss's special attacks?

Some weekly bosses like the Raiden Shogun Puppet have attacks that can't be dodged at all and even a shield can't prevent you from losing HP. You can use the following tips to save your characters:-

Raiden Shogun


The Raiden Shogun puppet has an ultimate attack called the Final Calamity that will kill any character instantly even if they are protected by a shield, this attack also can't be dodged no matter how far you run. To save yourself from instant knockout you need to destroy a flower-like object that appears before she unleashes the attack. The flower of remembrance, once destroyed will create a barrier around you and is the only thing that can withstand the Final Calamity. However, remember that you will need an electro character to destroy the flower.

Golden Rifthound


The Golden Rifthound like all the riftwolves will apply a corrosion effect on your characters and your entire party will continue to lose HP despite being protected by a shield. To avoid this it is highly recommended that you bring at least one healer to your party while battling this boss. Barbara is one of the characters you can get without wishing so if you don't have enough primogems or any other healer you can build and use her.

Primo Geovishap


The Primo Geovishap has a lethal attack called the Primordial Shower, this attack can't be dodged and will make you lose a lot of HP in one hit. To save yourself from this attack you can use a shielder character like Zhongli and Noelle.

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