How To Reroll In Genshin Impact? A guide to the Pity System

If you didn't get great drops from any of the banners in Genshin Impact you might want to reroll and start over. Here's how you can reroll in Genshin Impact.

Updated on Aug 16, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How To Reroll In Genshin Impact? A guide to the Pity System

If you started playing genshin Impact and decided to pull for some new characters and weapons, but unfortunately the wish system didn't give you any good characters or useful weapons. If that's so, then you can consider doing a reroll in genshin impact and get the desired gacha result.

What is a reroll in Genshin Impact?

Rerolling is a very common term among gacha game players. When a player does not get desired results from the gacha mechanics of the game they often consider making new accounts, which is called a reroll account. So if you didn't get any good characters from the standard banner or any other wish menu banner you can consider making a new Genshin Impact account and obtain other characters and weapons that may work according to your desire.

How to create a new account for rerolling in Genshin Impact?

Since rerolling grants players a chance to receive a better gacha result it's usually popular with low adventurer rank players who are new to the game. However many veteran players do that too for a fresh start. If you're planning to create a new account and reroll in Genshin Impact, here's how to do it:

  1. Create a new email account or use one that you haven't used previously to play the game.
  2. Log out of your old account.
  3. Use the new in-game mail to log into your device.
  4. Start playing the game, collect wishes and Primogems, and roll on the banners.


Before doing a re-roll do remember the following:

  • You can create a new account on the same device, you won't need to change devices.
  • Try using all your wishes and Primogems before making a new account, you may get a great result at your last pull.
  • Mobile players have the option to play the game in the guest mode which Playstation and PC players don't. You can use a mobile device to take advantage of that.
  • Genshin Impact has a slightly different feature than other gacha games, called the pity feature. Make yourself familiar with it as it may help you with your pulls.

What is a pity in Genshin Impact?

Like other gacha games, Genshin Impact too has game mechanics that rely heavily on luck but Genshin's gacha system has a unique feature. The pity system decreases the amount of uncertainty and gives players some hope for getting the best characters and unlocking the weapons that they want. This is how it works:

  • Limited Character Banner - You will need to roll ten times for a 4-star guarantee and 90 times for a 5-star character. There is a 50/50 chance of winning either a standard 5-star or a limited-time 5-star.
  • Standard Banner: You will need ten times to get a 4-star guarantee and 90 times to get a standard 5-star character (Jean, Mona, Keqing, Diluc, Qiqi).
  • Weapon Banner: You need to roll ten times for a 4-star guaranteed weapon and eighty times for a 5-star guaranteed weapon. There is a 50/50 chance of winning either a limited-time 5-star weapon or a standard 5-star weapon.


The number of rolls necessary to obtain a character or weapon with a guaranteed rating of 4 or 5 stars is mentioned above. Another kind of pity, known as soft pity, begins around the 75th roll. Here, the likelihood of finding a 5-star character or weapon starts to rise.
The pity is carried over from one banner to another. Therefore, the rolls you make up to 75 times before a new banner appears will carry over. Note that you must be rolling under the same banner for this to be effective. Banners for standard characters and limited-time characters have different pity records. They function independently, and the Weapon banner is no exception. You can make single or multiple pulls in Genshin Impact according to your liking.

What is the Epitomized path feature?

The weapon banner of Genshin Impact has another distinct feature in addition to the pity system, the Epitomized Path. This feature gives you the option to chart a course for one of the two selected limited-time weapons. You obtain a fate point on every five-star that isn't your charted weapon. Once you obtain two fate points, you will get your charted limited-time weapon.


The Epitomized feature guarantees you your desired five-star if you have enough wishes, this is a big relief for many players.

How to obtain wishes in Genshin Impact?

Collecting Primogems and Genesis Crystals and converting them into Acquainted and Intertwined Fates is the most common way to get wishes, to do so you will have to save Priomogems in Genshin Impact. You can also unlock wishes by ascending characters and leveling up on the battle pass.


However, you can only ascend characters to a limit while being on a certain adventure rank, if you want to ascend them fully then you will need to get to the highest adventurer rank in Genshin Impact. You can also buy wishes from the shop in exchange for Masterless Starglitter and Stardust.

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