8 Best Cottagecore Builds in Minecraft

These are the 8 best cottagecore designs that will change the look of your build in Minecraft. All the designs are aesthetic and easy to craft.

Updated on Nov 09, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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8 Best Cottagecore Builds in Minecraft

Everyone loves the village’s humble life as it is peaceful and away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. These designs are always close to nature and equipped with all the essential survival needs. So, in Minecraft, if you have built an exciting new village design vintage house, then you must try these 8 best cottagecore builds in Minecraft. I think you can now guess what we are going to discuss!

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The Hobbit Hole Cottagecore House

If you are a big fan of The Hobbit, this idea by Goldrobin is definitely for you. This building will make you feel like you are in the middle of the earth. A simple front design with a round wooden structure, a small wooden door, and a hanging lantern. The front yard has a small garden where you can grow wheat and carrots.


The interior of the building is more impressive than the exterior. It consists of small rooms, including an enchanting room, living room, and bedroom, all of which are furnished with wooden work and carpets. You can find everything from a crafting table to a stone cutter inside this small house.

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Cottagecore House with Greenhouse

You will love this easy starter Minecraft cottagecore house design by Dio Rods. This cozy Minecraft cottage design is close to nature and perfect for those who want to live in a cottagecore design. The front has a fantastic pathway leading to the wooden door. To give it a cottagecore aesthetic look, he used jack o’lanterns both on the house and in the pathway.


Another amazing thing is the greenhouse attached to the building. Here you can create a fantastic food farm. A flower garden on both sides of the house increases the beauty. The whole building is made of wood, glass, and brick blocks. The interior of this cozy cottage house is also cozy and comfortable.

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Aesthetic Cottagecore House Idea

This one is the best modern aesthetic cottagecore design you will ever come across. The house has a thatched roof design to give it a countryside look. There is a small porch in front of the house with a beautiful sitting area. You can also find a natural path decorated with lanterns and grasses.


Croissant Cat used vines to give it a natural look. She made a shed in which she placed these hanging vines. The house is also covered with a white wooden fence to secure you from the mobs. On the 2nd floor, a small balcony is decorated with flowers and lanterns.

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Esthetical Minecraft Cottagecore Design

This beautiful cottagecore house design is made by Nitsurami. The house is built in the middle of the dense forest to give it a natural touch. This spacious house design has plenty of amenities that you will love. The whole building is made of concrete and wood.


To give it an aesthetic look, she used leaf blocks and vines to cover the roof area. The house also has a swing and a small garden with different flowers. The Interior of the house is also beautifully crafted. Designing sofas, paintings, wall designs, and cabinets for some extra storage space in a modern style is what she specializes in.

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Fairy Bridge Cottagecore Idea

Cherie Luna represents this outstanding design of a small house-shaded passage on a bridge. Fairy tails inspire the whole design. The amazing curved bridge is made with cobblestones and stone bricks in the middle of a river. A dense forest on both sides of the river gives an aesthetic look to the whole scene.


The bridge is decorated with lanterns, leaf blocks, and vines. The house is also covered with plants and vines. He also used plants to decorate the pathway toward the bridge. This small house-shaped passage with two windows makes it look adorable.

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Aesthetic Cottageccore Bridge

There is a small bridge filled with beauty built by QueenCynthia. The entire bridge is made of dark oak wood. It is constructed from a small lake in a hilly area, just like a fairy fantasy. The design has significant value as it is constructed using trapdoors and fences. Just like most of the cottagecore designs, she used flowers and vines to cover the bridge areas.


Three hanging lanterns in the center of the bridgeilluminate the whole bridge at night. Eight fence pillars support the upper structure of the bridge. The whole scene is just like a movie set.

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Fairy Fountain Cottagecore Design

This inspirational masterpiece is built by Kelpie The Fox. This circular fountain is made with stone bricks to give it an antique look. The curved corners of the fountain are decorated with different colors of flowers. This is one of the simple Minecraft builds on our list.


In the center, there is the main fountain with sprinkling water. The design is simple yet beautiful. You can also add some fish to this dreamland fountain. You can built-in in the center of your garden or the entrance of your palace. It will take only five minutes to build in Minecraft world.

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Frog Fountain Cottagecore Idea

BitGardener built this adorable frog fountain design. Cobblestone stairs, blocks, and slabs. The base of the frog is made with Nether Quartz Ore. Here he used floating lanterns to create a koozie vibe. You can also use foglights to relate to the structure.


Sides are built with floating plants and flowers. This design is made in the center of a lake. You can also make it in a large water pool near your house. Trees and plantations are a must factor around the frog monument. The Redstone mechanism is used to control the water flow in the fountain.

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