How To Make White Stained Glass Pane In Minecraft

Want to highlight your buildings with a stained glass pane? Here is a quick and easy guide on how to make white stained glass panes in Minecraft.

Updated on Jul 21, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement 
How To Make White Stained Glass Pane In Minecraft

Everything You Need To Make white stained glass pane 

To make a white stained glass pane, you have to place 1x white dye in the center of the 3x3 crafting table and fill all other boxes with a glass pane. This will get you an 8x white stained glass pane on the right side of the crafting table. Another way is to put 3x white stained glass on the 1st and 2nd row of the table and this will get you 18x white stained glass pane.

Let's decode the process step by step!

How to craft white stained glass pane

1 /3

Open crafting table

First of all, go near the crafting table and open it with right-click. You will see a 3x3 crafting grid on your screen. You can use our guide on how to make a crafting table; if you can't find one.


Make sure you have all the necessary items needed to make a stained glass pane.

2 /3

Place Items On The Table

Now there are two methods to get white stained glass panes.

This method will need 1x white dye and 8x glass panes. You just put 1x white dye on the center box and fill all other boxes with glass panes. This will get you an 8x white stained glass pane on the right side of the crafting table.


You can get a 16x white stained glass pane with the second method using a 6x white stained glass. For this, you have to place a 3x glass pane on the first 2 rows of the crafting table as shown in the picture below.

3 /3

#3 Move white stained glass pane Into Inventory

Now, you just need to drag and drop that white stained glass pane and you are ready to use this in your home windows and door.


You can repeat the process again and again to get maximum stained glass panes.

What is the give command to get a white stained glass pane

The give command to get yourself a white stained glass pane is “/give @p white_stained_glass_pane 1”. We hope you liked the guide. You can explore to know what other things you can make with a Stained glass pane.

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