How many hours do I have in Rocket League? [Epic, PS, XBox & Steam]

Find out how much you played to become the player you are right now in Rocket League. Methods for Steam, Epic, Xbox and PS4.

Updated on Mar 09, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How many hours do I have in Rocket League? [Epic, PS, XBox & Steam]

Checking how much time you played Rocket League on Steam

It’s easy to view your time played on steam. Here is how to do for Rocket League:


  1. Open Steam
  2. Click on Library
  3. In the menu to the left, left-click on Rocket League
  4. Now you should be able to see the category “Play Time”, next to the game’s title.

Checking how much time you played Rocket League on Epic

To determine the amount of time you’ve spent enjoying Rocket League on Epic Games, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Epic Games Launcher
  2. Navigate to “Library”: in the homepage-menu on the left, click “Library”
  3. Click on the Three Dot Menu: Find Rocket League in the list of your games and click on the three horizontal dots just underneath the image
  4. View “You’ve Played”: A sub-menu will appear giving you the amount of time you’ve played the Rocket League

Depending on how long you’ve been playing, Epic Games may show you days rather than hours. If you want to know how many hours that is, just multiply days by 24. For example, if you played Rocket League for 13 days in total, that converts to 312 hours.

How to see how many hours you played Rocket League on Xbox

There is a method to see how many hours of playtime we have dedicated to our favorite battle car video game through the console menus:

  1. Press the Xbox button on your Xbox One controller.
  2. Go to My Games And Apps
  3. Open the app options menu by using the controller's hamburger Menu button
  4. Select Go To Official Club
  5. Access the Achievements tab of your games
  6. Scroll to Statistics
  7. Search for Rocket League

From here, you can see total time played as well as other game-specific statistics, and you can also choose to Compare With Friends.

Checking how much time you played on PS4

Unfortunately, if you play on PS4 it’s difficult to find out how many hours you’ve played because the PlayStation doesn’t offer this feature. Skip to the next section to find out how you can estimate your playing time on Rocket League.

How to estimate how much time you spend on Rocket League

You can estimate how much time you spend on Rocket league by taking a look at the number of games played and multiplying this by the factor 7 (average match time with replays, loading, and score). Here is how to do it:

  1. Open Rocket League
  2. Go to Profile
  3. Click on Career
  4. Navigate to stats
  5. Check the number on Total Matches Played
  6. Multiply that number by 7

You will get an estimate of the time you played Rocket League in minutes. If you want you can divide that number by 60 to know how many hours you played Rocket League. If you spend a lot of time on RL and want to invest in the cosmetics of your car you, we have some exclusive discounts for you: get RL.Exchange creator code, get Aoeah discount, are there any discounts on Eldorado, or G2G. Enjoy!

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