Best Current Rust Giveaways Available

Are you looking for Rust giveaways but can't seem to find them? We've compiled them for you!

Updated on Jul 04, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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Best Current Rust Giveaways Available

If you are looking for free Rust skins, cases, or even a Rust key, they can be found in giveaways. The only problem is locating the giveaways that offer them, but don't worry - we're here to help!

In order to help you win some of these luxurious items, we've assembled all of the noteworthy Rust giveaways online, so you'll have quite a lot of choices!

Our Rust Giveaway

Check out your first Rust giveaway right here! We host a Rust giveaway for all our readers who enjoy playing this game, and unlike other sources, you'll always find a Rust giveaway on The Global Gaming.

Still, it might be worthwhile to look at any other Rust giveaways you find. To help you with that, we've compiled a list of giveaways that we think are worth joining.

Giveaways On Other Platforms

Current Rust Giveaways On Twitter

When it comes to gaming giveaways, we've never been disappointed by what Twitter has to offer. The same goes for Rust giveaways hosted on this social network, and there are plenty of them to go around.

Some giveaways are short-lived, but we've found some Twitter accounts that host frequent Rust giveaways. Make sure to follow these accounts!

Twitter Handle

Giveaway Link


Enter the giveaway


Enter the giveaway


Enter the giveaway


Enter the giveaway


Enter the giveaway

Current Rust Giveaways On Reddit

The Rust subreddit has over 600 thousand members, making it a prime place to host giveaways. We've done some digging and found out that there have been plenty of giveaways there in the past, but at the moment of writing, we haven't found any active ones.

In addition, we've also included a few other gaming subreddits which are renowned for hosting gaming giveaways - including the Rust giveaways.













Current Rust Giveaways On Discord

Since Rust is an online game, many players are using Discord while playing it - mainly due to the voice communication which can be crucial in many cases. Because of that, there are a few Rust servers on this platform, and the main one has over 500 thousand members! Needless to say, there are Rust giveaways on all of them, so make sure to join each of these servers and turn on the server notifications for giveaway updates.

Discord Server


Rust (Official server)

Join the server

Rust Console Edition

Join the server


Join the server

Current Rust Giveaways From Other Sources

Other sources of Rust giveaways only include social networks - Facebook and TikTok. Some of these Rust groups we've found on Facebook have over a few hundred thousand members, and all of them have giveaways that any Facebook member can join.

On top of that, the TikTok discovery page is another go-to place for finding Rust giveaways, and the search term "Free Rust kits giveaway" has 52.1 million views, which only shows the power of this social network.



Facebook group

RUST Global Gaming Community

Facebook group

RUST Xbox & Playstation Community

Facebook group

The Official RUST Gaming Community


TikTok discovery page

Tips & Tricks For Finding The Rust Giveaways

We'll close this article with some helpful advice we think you'll find valuable: always join the legitimate Rust giveaways, because if you don't, you may lose your account. There are plenty of questionable websites that have been known to host fake Rust giveaways, which you should avoid at all costs, no matter how promising the rewards seem.

Don't hesitate to bookmark this article because the links we've listed are definitely worth checking periodically for new Rust giveaways. Just make sure you regularly check them, so you don't miss the giveaways when they appear. But know that there are other ways to get free Rust skins.

Finally, if you have any extra Rust skins or other items, you can use Rust trading websites to get something you require in exchange for something you don't, or you can simply sell Rust skins too. Or you might want to try your luck on Rust gambling, crash, roulette, jackpot or Rust case battle sites.

For more giveaways, check our articles on the best available giveaways for Dota 2, H1Z1R6S, Runescape, Rocket League, and the best Robux giveaways.

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