What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 14?

At Town Hall 14, you'll unlock a bunch of new troops to experiment with. We've compiled the top five attack strategies to get you through this Town Hall!

Updated on Oct 03, 2023
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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What Is The Best Army In Clash of Clans For Town Hall 14?

Before getting into the top five armies, we'll quickly remind you that you can access 320 Troop Capacity, 11 Spell Capacity, 45 Clan Castle Troop Capacity, and 3 Clan Castle Spell Capacity.

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Blizzard LaLo

The first best attack strategy we'll cover is a popular army at Town Hall 12. However, we will bring the Blizzard LaLo strategy back for Town Hall 14! If you're looking to practice your LaLo, train up this army below:

Blizzard LaLo



Goblin (Clan Castle)


Super Wizard (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Invisibility Spell (Clan Castle)


Battle Blimp (Clan Castle)


Clan Castle Reinforcements, including Spells and Siege Machines, are essential for this army!

Blimp To TH

Super Wizards

  1. You will send your Blimp filled with Super Wizards to the enemy Town Hall to start the attack.

  2. Use a Lava Hound and a few Balloons to tank for your Blimp, then proceed to drop a Rage Spell when you drop it.

  3. You will have 5 Invisibility Spells to expend on your Super Wizards. Make sure to time them properly to ensure your Wizards don't die, and you get the maximum value out of them.

  4. Once the Blimp drop is complete, send in your Ice Golem, followed by your King, Queen, and Champion, to deal damage in the base. You can drop one or two Freeze Spells to help them get through the base.

  5. Now, you can begin your LaLo on the opposite side alongside your Warden. Drop one Hound, followed by a few groups of Balloons, followed by your Grand Warden ability.

  6. Then, continue scaling your second Hound with more Balloons to cover the remainder of the base.

  7. Use your Haste and Freeze Spells to help your Balloons get through the defenses.

Drop Heroes To Deal Damage

LaLo Phase

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Warden Walk + Super Bowlers

Up next, we have a very fun strategy involving Super Bowlers! However, before dropping the Super Bowlers, we must initiate our Warden Walk to start the attack. This attack strategy requires lots of practice, but the results won't disappoint! Here's the army composition:

Warden Walk + Super Bowlers



Goblin (Clan Castle)


Rocket Balloon (Clan Castle)


Yeti (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Poison Spell (Clan Castle)


Flame Flinger (Clan Castle)


Clan Castle Reinforcements, including Spells and Siege Machines, are essential for this army!

Warden and Flame Flinger Funnel

Main Army To The Middle

  1. You will first create a funnel using your Flame Flinger on one side and a Warden Walk on the other.

  2. Ensure your Flame Flinger isn't exposed to any Mortars or Hidden Teslas! Having your Warden's Pet is recommended to speed up the funneling process.

  3. Once a funnel is established, begin dropping your Ice Golem, Archer Queen, and Super Bowlers headed straight to the center of the base.

  4. Start dropping your spells on this group of troops, including Rage Spells, Freeze Spells, and Poison Spells for the enemy Clan Castle Troops.

  5. You will be pathing this group further into the base using Jump Spells when appropriate.

  6. A big problem with this army is time, which is why we have saved our Barbarian King and Royal Champion.

  7. Drop your King and two Witches on the outskirts of the base to help clean up, and then drop your Champion anywhere you see fit.

Spells In Core Of The Base

King Clean Up With 2 Witches

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Queen Charge Hybrid

The Queen Charge Hybrid is a popular strategy in lower Town Hall levels but is still highly effective at Town Hall 14. This army composition will require you to funnel your troops properly, and if done correctly, it will be very effective for Clan War attacks. Here's the army:

Queen Charge Hybrid



Hog Rider (Clan Castle)


Heal Spell (Clan Castle)


Poison Spell (Clan Castle)


Battle Drill (Clan Castle)


Clan Castle Reinforcements, including Spells and Siege Machines, are essential for this army!

Queen To TH

King Funnel

  1. The first step is to start your Queen Walk to preferably take out the Town Hall or Eagle Artillery and the enemy Clan Castle Troops.

  2. Drop a Balloon to scout for any Seeking Air Mines before dropping your Healers.

  3. Expend your Rage Spells to keep your Queen healthy and speed up the process. Make sure to use Poison Spells on the enemy CC Troops.

  4. Once the Queen has been given time to develop, you will deploy your Barbarian King on the other side. His job is to create a funnel for your Hybrid.

  5. When you have a clear path to the center of the base, begin deploying your Hog Riders and Miners followed by your Grand Warden, Royal Champion, and Battle Drill.

  6. If you didn't use your Queen to remove the Town Hall, save your Warden's ability for the Town Hall death bomb.

  7. Use Healing and Freeze Spells to help your Hybrid get through the rest of the base.

Main Army

Army In Core

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Yeti + Witch + Bat + Electro Titan

The Electro Titan is a new troop you unlock at Town Hall 14. If you're excited to try the Electro Titan, Yetis, Witches and Bats are good troops to help. For this combination of troops, you'll have to cook up this army:

Yeti + Witch + Electro Titan



Barbarian (Clan Castle)


Valkyrie (Clan Castle)


Yeti (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Poison Spell (Clan Castle)


Log Launcher (Clan Castle)


Clan Castle Reinforcements, including Spells and Siege Machines, are essential for this army!

Witch Funnel

Main Army

  1. Before getting into the attack, start on the side opposite the enemy Town Hall so your Log Launcher can travel its maximum distance.

  2. The first step is to create a funnel. You will drop a Yeti and two Witches on the left and right-hand sides.

  3. Once the outer buildings are taken care of, you can deploy the rest of your Yetis in a straight line, followed by your entire army.

  4. Drop your King, Queen, Warden, and Electro Titans, followed by your Log Launcher at the back.

  5. Once you've reached around the 50% destruction mark, you can let your Bats loose. Drop all your Bat Spells in a safe area and let them pile up.

  6. You have to focus heavily on your Bats, using Freeze Spells when they are about to make contact with splash defenses such as the Wizard Tower and Multi-Target Inferno Towers.

  7. Your Bats should have enough time to clean up the entire base, so you should take your time with the earlier part of the raid, such as the funneling process.

Bats In Corner

Use Freeze For Bats

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Dragons and Dragon Riders + Blimp

It's not a best attack strategies list without Dragons. The last army in the list will feature Dragons and Dragon Riders, but the main spotlight of this version is the Blimp drop involving Super Wizards and Archers. Here's the army you're going to use.

Dragons and Dragon Riders + Blimp



Goblin (Clan Castle)


Super Archer (Clan Castle)


Super Wizard (Clan Castle)


Rage Spell (Clan Castle)


Freeze Spell (Clan Castle)


Battle Blimp (Clan Castle)


Clan Castle Reinforcements, including Spells and Siege Machines, are essential for this army!

Heroes To Funnel

Dragons and Blimp

  1. When picking a side to attack from, choose the side furthest from the enemy Town Hall.

  2. The first step is to create a funnel. Drop your King and Queen on one side, and on the other, drop a Dragon.

  3. Once a funnel is established, you can drop all your Dragons and Dragon Riders, followed by your Warden and Champion.

  4. Shortly after, deploy your Blimp, which should be angled straight to the enemy Eagle Artillery or Town Hall.

  5. Since your Blimp travels a long distance, you will use the Warden's ability to get it as deep as possible.

  6. Once your Blimp is about to drop, put all your focus on the Super Wizards and Archers inside. Preemptively place a Rage Spell, and begin timing your Invisibility Spells.

  7. On top of Invisibility and Rage Spells, you will also use your Clone Spells on these troops.

  8. You must get as much value from the Super Wizards and Archers since they take up almost all your spells.

  9. Your Heroes and Dragons will clean up the rest of the base.

Warden Ability To Help Blimp

Super Wizards and Archers + Spells

If this army has helped you through Town Hall 14, do some advanced studying on the best attack strategies for Town Hall 15!

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