How to Fix Dota 2 Error Scene System 022

Some players are experiencing launch issues in Dota 2, related to Error Scene System 002. If you're having the same issue, check this article out!

Updated on Mar 09, 2024
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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How to Fix Dota 2 Error Scene System 022

There's nothing more frustrating than wanting to play a ranked or unranked game of Dota 2 but an error shows up and you're unable to launch the game at all. Unfortunately, a lot of people have encountered the issue of their Dota 2 failing to launch, especially with the message of "Error Scene System 002." In this article, we'll help you fix most launch issues, so stay tuned!

Do a Full Restart of Steam

The first and easiest step is performing a full restart of your Steam client. This method could fix lots of launch problems most of the time, so here's a step-by-step guide on how you can fully reboot your Steam client.

  1. Open your Steam client, and look for the top left corner where the "Steam" button is visible.
  2. Click on the "Steam" button, and a few options will begin to show up.


  1. Click on the button that says "Exit"
  2. You will receive a confirmation message, simply comply and exit your Steam client.
  3. Once the Steam client closes, simply re-open Steam normally.
  4. Your Steam will re-launch and hopefully your issue is resolved.

This is a very quick fix that will work sometimes. If you're still facing the same issue, check out the next method below. This method might also fix the common problem of the Dota 2 Offline Mode Lost Connection Problem.

Verify Integrity of Game Files

The next method to fixing error scene systems is to verify the integrity of your Dota 2 game files. This is a very effective method to fixing most problems for Steam games, as the function of this is to locate any corrupted game files and remove them. To verify integrity of game files, follow the steps below.

  1. Open your Steam client, and head over to your Library.
  2. Look for Dota 2, then right click the game and hit "Properties."


  1. Once you're in the Properties section, head over to the "Local Files" section.
  2. In the Local Files section, a button named "Verify Integrity of Game Files" should be visible. Click the button.


  1. Steam will start verifying your game cache files. Simply wait until the process ends.
  2. Once the verifying is complete, try re-launching Dota 2 to see if the issue is resolved.

If you're still having troubles launching Dota 2, try launching your game in safe mode to see if it'll help.

Launch Dota 2 in Safe Mode

One way that lots of players have found useful is to launch Dota 2 in Safe Mode. To try launching your game in Safe Mode, check out the step-by-step process we've created for you.

  1. Open your Steam client, and head over to your Library.
  2. Look for Dota 2, then right click the game and hit "Properties."
  3. By default, you will be taken to the "General" tab.
  4. On the General tab, a text box for "Launch Options" will be there.
  5. In the text box for your Launch Options, type in "-safe"
  6. The client will automatically save your changes, so close the tab and try launching your game.

If this still doesn't fix your issue, then you'll have to dig deeper and delete SceneSystem DLL files, but we'll help you through it. While you're at it, check out how to Show FPS in Dota 2

Delete SceneSystem DLL Files

Deleting your SceneSystem DLL files is probably the most effective method, but it will take some work to do so. Follow these steps:

  1. Head over to your program files through the File Explorer and follow this path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin
  2. Once you've followed the file path properly, you should be in your "bin" tab. In the "bin" tab, click on "win64" or "win32". This depends on what you're computer is running.
  3. In your win64 or win32 folder, start looking for all the DLL files titled "scenesystem.dll" or "scenesystem_002.dll"
  4. Delete all the DLL files mentioned above from your computer.
  5. Once you've done so, launch Steam and for extra precaution, verify the integrity of your game files first before launching Dota 2 again. Refer to the steps above if you're unsure of how to do so.
  6. When you are done verifying your game files, try launching Dota 2 again.

This method should fix the issue for almost all players. If you are still experiencing issues, then the final step is to uninstall and reinstall the game. 

Reinstall Dota 2

The final method we can offer you is to simply uninstall your game, then reinstall it again. Doing a full uninstall will remove all files, and reinstalling the game will make sure that all the files come in fresh and clean. This is the last resort alternative to fixing the issue, so if you're willing to wait for a reinstall, follow the steps below.

  1. Launch Steam and head over to "Library."
  2. Look for Dota 2, then right-click the game.
  3. Right-click Dota 2, then hover over "Manage."
  4. When you hover your cursor over Manage, the "Uninstall" button will be available.
  5. Click on Uninstall and Steam will ask you to confirm your action. If you're desperate to fix the issue, then there is a good chance that uninstalling your game will fix the problem.
  6. Steam will start uninstalling your game, simply wait until it's over.
  7. Once Dota 2 has successfully been uninstalled, go over to the Steam store and install the game like you normally would.
  8. This should finally fix your issue.

If reinstalling your game somehow doesn't fix the error scene system, then the issue is probably coming from your computer system. Your best bet is to contact Steam Support and have them assist you from there. 

We really hope that this article has helped you solve your disk write error and error occurred scene system problem in Dota 2. For more troubleshooting and technical articles, check out our articles on how to make Dota 2 full screen and how to fix offline mode and lost connection issue.

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