How to skip Genshin Impact cutscenes?

If you are speedrunning a quest in Genshin Impact you won't want to watch a long cutscene. Read and find out if it is possible to skip through a cutscene.

Updated on Aug 17, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How to skip Genshin Impact cutscenes?

One of the factors that make Genshin Impact highly appealing is the various cutscenes. These cutscenes combined with fitting background music add an extra delight to the player's gaming experience.


Can you skip cutscenes in Genshin Impact?

Some people want to rapidly skip the cutscenes and get straight to the combat stage or next phase of the quest. Unfortunately, it is impossible to skip cutscenes in Genshin Impact. You have to go through them no matter what.

Why can't you skip cutscenes in Genshin Impact?


Every player has to watch these unskippable cutscenes regardless of the device they are playing on. But why? The reason is quite simple. These 'annoying' cutscenes are important for the plot of the quest. If you skip them then you end up missing an essential incident of the quest and might get confused later.

What happens when you close the game in the middle of a cutscene?

Closing the game while it is playing a cutscene may seem like a good idea to get rid of it. But it won't skip it. On the contrary, when you end up opening and playing Genshin impact again you will see the cutscene being replayed.

No matter whether you are on PC, mobile, Ps4, or any other device you will have to watch the cutscene if you want to finish a quest.

This is a surprisingly divisive issue with several players calling for a feature to make cutscenes in Genshin Impact skippable. Since you can't skip them make sure you enjoy them fully by fixing missing audio issues, server connection failure, etc beforehand.

Can you skip quests in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact has various quests and in order to further progress in the game, one needs to do them. But some players don't want to invest their time in these quests and skip them overall. There are several kinds of quests in the game like archon quests, daily quests, event quests, and world quests.


Archon quests cannot be skipped no matter what, if you want the story of the game to go further then you have to play them. Similarly, world quests can't be skipped as some of them are essential to introduce new in-game mechanics and features. If you quit a quest in the middle, it won't go anywhere and you can start it later whenever you like.

But, you can easily skip daily quests and they will get refreshed the very next day. event quests can be skipped too if you are not motivated enough to play them, they will just be expired after a deadline.

Is it possible to skip basic dialogue in Genshin Impact?

Like the cutscene, visuals and dialogue players can't skip basic dialogue easily as well. You can't skip basic dialogues completely, but you can go through them swiftly by interrupting the present dialogue and moving on to the next one. This way you don't have to go through the entire conversations with a character if you are speedrunning a quest.


The game introduces easy ways for mobile, and PC players to get over these dialogues quickly.

For Mobile Players

To go to the next dialogue mobile players can tap on the dialogue section displayed on their screen.

For PC Players

PC players can click the space bar or the left mouse buttonto get to the next dialogue.

Can you read the basic dialogues on autoplay?


You don't have to tire yourself constantly by pressing buttonsto get onto the next dialogue. Just like the cutscenes, the basic dialogues can also be played on auto-mode. The latest RPG adventure developed and added this useful feature in version 1.2. Now you can switch to the auto-play mode and then sit back and enjoy.

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