How Many Items Exist in League of Legends

It's time to discover how many items exist in League of Legends PC and how you can take advantage with the right build. See now and dominate the rift!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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How Many Items Exist in League of Legends

League of Legends has dozens of objects (also called items) that players can buy with gold during games to improve and enhance their champions. Making use of items can give us many advantages and help us win games, so it is important to know them all and know which ones are suitable for each character or situation. Let's discover how many items exist in LoL!

Why are items an important factor in League of legends?

From mythic items (with different mythic passive) to legendary items and basic items, these objects can give you more damage against the enemy team and boost your champion abilities. And the best part, RIOT periodically releases new objects or changes them in case they are too strong in the game.

The store is divided into various filters and sections:

  • Items can level up; basic, advanced, and finished (advanced and finished items have a higher cost combined recipe).
  • Each item has a unique effect and usually has primary and secondary stats, as well as requiring various attributes to be upgraded such as physical damage, magic damage, ability power, magic resistance, attack speed, deal true damage, etc.

Next, as part of our guide, we present some of the objects currently available in League of Legends:

How many items are there in League of Legends?

RIOT Games has created more than 200 items in League of Legends. So, if you want to learn to play LoL, you must learn almost all the items in the game. There are over 150 items in League of Legends with different tiers, and different passive and active effects, each item has a very specific recipe so it's really normal that new League of Legends players can feel a little lost at the beginning.

Type of Item

Number of Items

Starter items


Basic items


Epic Items


Legendary items


Mythic items










Starter items

At the beginning of a match, you will have 500 gold to spend as you wish. This gold is normally spent to purchase some starter items, which are really important to survive during the laning phase, farming, and escalate. Normally, with this amount of gold you will be able to buy two items that can give you sustain during the first stages of the game. Some starter items are:

How Many Items Exist in League of Legends


How Many Items Exist in League of Legends
How Many Items Exist in League of Legends
Doran's Blade
How Many Items Exist in League of Legends
Doran's Ring
How Many Items Exist in LoL
Doran's Shield
How Many Items Exist in LoL
Dark Seal

Basic items

Even if you play in the top lane or as a Jungler, basic items require little gold to be bought at the beginning of a match and are a really important factor to survive the laning phase. The only ones with some active effects are the basic items designed for the Jungle but they are really important in the game. Some of the most common basic items are:

How Many Items Exist in LoL

Long Sword

How Many Items Exist in LoL Cloth ArmorHow Many Items Exist in LoL Dagger
How Many Items Exist LoL StopwatchHow Many Items Exist LoL Blasting WandHow Many Items Exist LoL Pickaxe

Legendary items

On the other hand, legendary items are those that are crafted from simple recipes to more complex items. Unlike Mythic items, Legendary items don't have a Mythic passive, so you should think carefully about whether the Legendary item you're buying synergizes well with your Mythic item. Here some common legendary items:

How Many Items Exist LoL

Warmog's Armor

How Many Items Exist LoL Void StaffHow Many Items Exist LoL Wit's End
How Many Items Exist LoL Frozen HeartHow Many Items Exist LoL Force of NatureHow Many Items Exist LoL Serylda's Grudge

Mythic items

It doesn't matter the game modes you prefer to play in League of legends, Mythic items provide you with more damage and are really useful. Some of them can increase your magic resist, health, damage, and much more. Mythic items are advanced items with unique effects (passive) that will be increased depending on the number of legendary items purchased. Here are some of the most common Mythic items in League of Legends:

How Many Items Exist LoL

Kraken Slayer

How Many Items Exist LoL Sunfire AegisHow Many Items Exist LoL Luden's Tempest
How Many Items Exist LoL Night HarvesterHow Many Items Exist LoL RiftmakerHow Many Items Exist LoL Immortal Shieldbow
How Many Items Exist LoL Liandry's Anguish How Many Items Exist LoL GoredrinkerHow Many Items Exist LoL Eclipse

Remember, you can get up to six items in any of the game modes created by RIOT Games but choose and purchase the best items to take advantage of your enemies, deal more damage and destroy them. You can learn a little but more about builds by checking our guide about the best Aphelios build League of Legends. From there, you will be able to explore as many builds as possible and dominate the summoner's rift.


Trinkets are unique items that can be placed in a trinket slot, separate from the champion's main inventory (it can only contain one trinket at a time). All trinkets are free and are used to cause special effects in the game. They are in charge of giving or denying vision to the different teams. Some common trinkets in the game are:

How Many Items Exist LoL

Stealth Ward

How Many Items Exist LoL Farsight Alteration
How Many Items Exist LoL Oracle LensHow Many Items Exist LoL Minion Dematerializer

You may also take a look at our guide about how to get better at warding in League of Legends, this way you can improve your ELO and discover the trinkets much more. 


Boots are a category of special items within League of Legends that are mainly used to improve statistics related to movement, speed, or resistance. Some common boots in the game are:

How Many Items Exist LoL

Berserker's Greaves

How Many Items Exist LoL Plated Steelcaps


Potions and consumables, as their name suggests, are objects intended to be used and consumed to recover attributes such as life or mana for a certain period of time. Here are some of the most common potions in League of Legends:

How Many Items Exist LoL

Berserker's Greaves

How Many Items Exist LoL Refillable Potion

Usually, RIOT periodically releases new items, and even recently for the next season RIOT announced other items to be added in the game, so keep you updated about the different tiers of the items, their unique effect, and more with us. See you at the summoner's rift!

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