5 Best Minecraft Bed Ideas

If you are looking for Minecraft bed designs to decorate your bedroom, this article is the perfect choice for you. It features only the best bed designs.

Updated on Aug 30, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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5 Best Minecraft Bed Ideas

Minecraft is a game that allows you to customize your surroundings to the greatest extent. The game gives you the ability to decorate everything you want with a wide variety of resources.

If your bedroom feels too bland, this article is the perfect read for you. As today, we'll show you the five best Minecraft bed ideas you can implement in your bedroom to make it feel more alive.

All of these bed designs are functional - they aren't made out of carpet blocks. Hence, this is a perfect way to decorate your spawn point.

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Bunk Beds

This Minecraft bed design is pretty simple. It's the best one to build if you are just beginning your Minecraft playthrough.


The design contains a pair of simple bunk beds, where two Minecraft users can sleep simultaneously.

It's decorated with fairly simple and cheap blocks you'll find at the beginning of your playthrough.

The barrels and the armor stands can also act as storage, while the bell and the flowers serve only as decoration. It's a neat little design for your little Minecraft home.

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Modern Bed

If you have a modern bedroom in your Minecraft base, then this bed will be something you'll want to build in your Minecraft world.


The materials can be a bit expensive because you can only find quartz in the Nether and end rods in the End.

But other than that, the design is pretty cheap. It has a black double bed, trap doors, and a chest where you can store all your important stuff.

You can always use a white bed or any color you like. The design is very customizable, as they are popular among the Minecraft community.

This bed design is fairly big, so you'll need a little bit more space for this design, but it's a nice touch for your Minecraft home.

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Loft Bed

This Minecraft bed idea is the upgraded bunk bed version from this list. It's meant to be built in a classic Minecraft home.


The primary resource of this bed is the wooden blocks everyone can find right at the beginning of a playthrough.

The bed design is supposed to represent a loft bed, under which there's a table and an office chair. On the table, you have bookshelves and a computer. There are a lot of fun details in this small bed design.

You must climb up the stairs or ladders to get on top of it. It depends on what you choose.

It's a perfect bed for a loft bedroom design. It will fit in the majority of the bedrooms, and you can use different materials of your preference.

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Ocean Bed

If you are building your base underwater or in an Ocean Temple, this is one of the Minecraft bed designs you'll want to see.


This bed design is also harder to make, as it requires rare prismarine blocks that can only be found in the Ocean Temple.

The bed is held by the chains attached to the bedroom's ceiling. Right above the light blue double bed, there are prismarine lamps which are the primary light source.

There are also a few quartz blocks there and there and dark prismarine stairs, which enable you to reach the bed.

It's a very interesting design that you can customize even more. For example, try building an aquarium behind the bedroom walls to spice up the atmosphere.

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Gothic Bed

If you have a dark-themed room, or perhaps a Nether themed bedroom, then this bed design is the right one for you. It's also one of the best Minecraft bedroom ideas on this list.


It's the darkest bed design on this list. It's mostly made out of Blackstone blocks with an addition of a few magma blocks.

The bed is supposed to represent a gravestone. It's covered in spruce trap doors, which represent a coffin. You can add a cozy fireplace next to your coffin if it's too cold for you.

The design can be expensive for the early game because you'll have to go to the Nether, where you'll have to find the right materials. It's a very creative approach to a bed design and the most interesting one on this list. Just remember that you can't sleep in the Nether because you'll immediately blow up.

If you want to try out all of these designs, then make sure to also use one of the methods to make money playing Minecraft, as it will make the process even more fun and productive!

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