Best Type of Arrows In Minecraft

Minecraft is not limited when it comes to inventory and same is the case with arrows! So, here are the best types of arrows in Minecraft you can expect!

Updated on Jan 23, 2024
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Type of Arrows In Minecraft

If you are not a big fan of sword fights or your armor is damaged, the best way is to use arrows. Arrows are numerous arrow variants that can be fatal for most mobs. These arrows have the ability to damage half the heart health of the mob. Each arrow has its special crafting recipe. 

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Normal arrow is the cheapest and easiest to craft and it can cause more damage to undead mobs when used with a bow of power, punch, and piercing enchantments. Most gamers use these arrows with an infinity bow.

These arrows are also called simple or regular arrows as they have no effect attached to them unless the bow is enchanted.

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Spectral Arrows

Minecraft provides a variety of arrows in which spectral arrows are one of the unique arrows that draw an outline around your enemy mobs and they start to glow. The other unique quality of spectral arrow is that the mob will be visible through the walls as well.


Because of these features, you can use the spectral arrow in dark places like caves, deep dark, nether, and end world. Spectral tipped arrows don’t have any damage duration. They act and damage instantly.

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Arrow of Harming

For instant damage effects, these dangerous arrows are present in Minecraft. An enemy mob shot with these arrows will not wait for seconds for getting hurt by the arrow tip, instead, it will receive the damage to its health immediately.


These arrows are the best Minecraft arrows for players with good archery skills as harming deals instant damage. They also don’t have any damage duration, they act instantly.

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Arrow of Poison

These are the slow-death arrows for giving your enemy a poison effect. You can either buy these tipped arrows from a specific master archer or you can craft them by yourself.


Poison arrow comes with three variants, the first one gives you the damage time of 2 seconds, the second arrow gives you the time duration of 5 seconds and the third one gives you 11 seconds which are enough to kill general undead mobs.

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Arrow of Weakness

Weakness arrow can either be crafted or be bought from a specific master archer. These arrows are the best for weakening your enemies.

The best use of this arrow is against the hard bosses and PVP fights in bed wars as it decreases significant health points. This arrow of weakness is the opposite of the strength arrow.


It has two variants with 11 seconds and 30 seconds of damage time duration according to potion effects, which is enough to kill most of the mobs.

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Arrow of Healing

These fabulous arrows give you a health regeneration effect after hitting. If you are in a tough fight and need an instant health boost, these tipped arrows are the best choice. Shot yourself with these best arrows to get instant health even if you have left half a heart.


You can craft these Minecraft arrows using a crafting table, empty glass bottles, lingering potion, and simple arrows. Sometimes archers give you a healing arrow after you defeat a pillager raid in Minecraft village. There are two variants of this arrow. One gives you 2 to 3 heart health and the second one gives you up to 4 heart health.

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Arrow of Regeneration

Arrow of regeneration can prove a prominent support tool for having a health regeneration effect. These arrows are the best Minecraft arrows in multiplayer mode when your partner is in need of instant health.


You can either craft these arrows using a relevant potion like a lingering potion or purchase them from the master fletcher who sells them.

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Arrow of Fire Resistance

As it is obvious from the name the arrow of fire resistance prevents fire damage for a short time period. The timing of these best arrows depends on the timing of the potion used for crafting them.

It damages like a regular arrow when shot at an ally but when landed on oneself it protects from the fire.


Fletchers give you these Minecraft arrows when you defeat the pillager raid in a village or you can buy these from certain fletcher masters. This arrow can prove a viable tool when harvesting diamonds on the edge of a lava lake or exploring the dark worlds with an abundance of lava. You can find these tipped arrows in two arrow variants, 22 seconds and 60 seconds in duration.

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Arrow of Invisibility

Minecraft is full of surprises and so are its loot and tools. You might have guessed by now that these arrows make the player invisible after hitting them. These tipped arrows have proven a very essential and viable tool when traveling at night in Minecraft. You can say these are the best Minecraft arrows to avoid mob at night.


Hit yourself with one arrow and no harmful mobs will be able to spot you due to its status effect. These Minecraft arrows have two variants with 22 seconds and 60 seconds of invisibility duration.

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Arrow of Night Vision

Most of the popular games has night vision mods for increasing the timing of gameplay even at night.

For this purpose, Minecraft offers a special arrow known as the arrow of night vision. By hitting oneself with these Minecraft arrows a player can see in the darkness of night.


If you are exploring a cave or out on a night adventure with your buddy, the arrow of night vision with an infinity enchanted bow is the best combination. These tipped arrows give you 22 seconds and 60 seconds of night vision time.

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Arrow of Water Breathing

You should definitely craft these best Minecraft arrows as there are plenty of water bodies in the latest Minecraft versions. You can use 22 seconds arrow variant or 60 seconds variant according to your mission.


You should definitely craft these best Minecraft arrows as there are plenty of water bodies in the latest Minecraft versions. You can use 22 seconds variant or 60 seconds variant according to your mission.

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Arrow of Slowness

If you want to put your enemy mobs into a slow-motion mode then these arrows are recommended for you.

By using these arrows you will not only buy some time to run away but you will also be able to attack and finish your enemies faster because these arrows will reduce their speed by more or less than 15% of their total movement speed.


Their time duration is 1 second. This tipped arrow is also called a turtle master arrow because of its features and effect on most mobs. This arrow has the opposite effect of the swiftness arrow.

Most of the arrows are combined with dust and potions. These arrows have different damage rates and effect times. In this blog post, we have covered the best Minecraft arrows. So don’t skip any heading if you want to know about the best type of arrows Minecraft.

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