How Long Does It Take For Bodies to Despawn in Rust?

In Rust, time is very important. That's why it's so important to know when your corpse will disappear and act accordingly.

Updated on Sep 17, 2023
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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How Long Does It Take For Bodies to Despawn in Rust?

The game Rust is a harsh game and we all know that. While playing Rust, we can find ourselves in the middle of a very heated battle. Therefore, this can sometimes cause unfortunate demise, and your precious body might despawn. Knowing these kinds of fine information is worth gold. In a game where everyone is playing to get more loot, it sometimes helps to be ahead of the enemies in terms of game knowledge.

How Long Does it Take to Dead Body Despawn in Rust?

In Rust, after a player is killed by other players, their corpses remain as ragdolls for up to 5 minutes, but since this negatively impacts the server performance, the body despawns and turns into backpacks after 5 minutes. To give a simple example, let's say your best item in your inventory is the torch, after you die, the ragdoll stays for 5 minutes and when the ragdoll is replaced with backpacks the torch despawn timer adds 5 more minutes.


The reason for this is that rendering corpses in Rust or basically in any game really expensive and switching to backpacks increase server performance and quality considerably. So then when do the body bags disappear?

How Long Does it Take to Body Bag Despawn in Rust?

The correct answer to this question despawn of the corpse when it turns into a camouflage backpack depends on what loot is in your backpack. The body despawn time increases based on the rarity of the loot in the player's inventory.

Some constantly complain that the body barely lasted 5-10 minutes. That is normal if you only have low-tier items in loot.


The despawn time of items changes according to their tier, if the loot carried by the player is a high-tier item like metal armor in dead bodies, it takes 1 hour for backpacks to despawn. After you died and your backpack despawns can you get your loot back? To definitive answer to this, there is nothing else to do when the backpacks in Rust have completely vanished you can not retrieve your lost loot.

If the carried resources are ore, they have a 5-minute despawn time, but sulfur is not included in these ores.

Now let's take a look at which tier item despawn from the body in how many minutes when the player dies in Rust. The average despawn time in Rust is 10-20 minutes.

How Long it Takes for Items to Despawn Depending on Their Rarity

Tier 1


Despawn Time


20 Minutes


20 Minutes


20 Minutes

Tier 2


Despawn Time

Semi-Auto Rifle

40 Minutes


40 Minutes


40 Minutes

Tier 3


Despawn Time

Assault Rifle

1 Hour

Bolt Action Rifle

1 Hour

Metal Facemask

1 Hour



Despawn Time


5 Minutes


5 Minutes


5 Minutes


40 Minutes

Why You Should be Aware of the Body's Despawn Timer

When you die an unfortunate death, knowing when your body bag will disappear is a very vital awareness.

To give the simplest example, imagine that you are farming close to your base and suddenly raid sounds started coming from the side of your base. In a multiplayer survival video game like Rust, it's almost impossible not to have enemies. So when the sound of an explosion comes from the side of your base, trust me you understand very well what is going on.

After hearing the explosions, you immediately move to a relatively safe and hidden place to hide your body, because might another player claiming it, and use the F1 "kill" command to spawn and defend it.

After defending off the raid, you'll know if the body intact or despawn. Little tips like this are great for getting your loot back from your dead body.

As I mentioned, don't forget to mark the place where you died with your loot with a marker from the map while entering intense fights. Because if you die for the second time, you will not be able to see where your body is.

As a result, after you die, your corpse turns into a camouflaged body bag after 5 minutes to increase server performance, and despawn times in Rust increase according to the value of the items in the player's inventory.

While normal items despawn in short times like 5-10 minutes, higher quality items like Bolt and Assault Rifle can stay without despawning for like 1 hour.

Knowing little things like this in Rust puts you ahead of the competition and you will always be one step ahead of your competitors because your awareness is better.

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