How to Activate & Redeem Steam Codes Quickly

If you have a Steam code or key to redeem for games or wallet credit, don't worry. The codes can be easily redeemed through the Steam client and their website!

Updated on Sep 14, 2023
Fact checked by Dean Nastevski |
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How to Activate & Redeem Steam Codes Quickly

How to Redeem a Code or Key on Steam

Having Steam keys and wallet codes is great to get some new games on your Steam account, but it's no good if you don't know how to use them. That's why below you can see a step-by-step guide on how to redeem Steam codes:

  1. Open up the Steam client
  2. On the upper top left corner, click the "Games" option
  3. If you're redeeming product Steam keys, select the "Activate a Product on Steam" option
  4. If you're redeeming a Steam wallet code, select the "Redeem a Steam Wallet Code" option
  5. Type in the code and click on "Confirm" or "Continue" to redeem the prize

Steam Client How to Redeem Wallet Codes Product Keys

If you don't want to use the codes through the Steam app since it can often have network problems, there's also a way to redeem Steam codes directly from your browser. First, you'll want to log in with your Steam account on your browser. Then you can redeem Steam codes or a Steam key here:

Steam Redeem Codes On Browser

And those are basically all the ways to redeem Steam codes. But some people just seem to have a hard time understanding the difference between codes for product keys like the best Steam games and wallet codes. So if you want to give a proper Steam gift card or redeem Steam wallet codes yourself, you should definitely know the difference before jumping the gun and buying the codes blindly!

What is a Steam Code?

So basically Steam codes consist of random characters which you can redeem to get games or wallet credit to your Steam account. You can purchase Steam codes from third-party websites like G2A, or maybe even go outside and buy them from retail stores that offer Steam codes. There are 2 types of Steam codes you have to watch out for:

  • Steam product keys - used to redeem games and content
  • Steam wallet codes - used to redeem wallet credit

The Steam keys and codes often come in a format like "ABCDE-FGHJK-LMNOP-QRSTU-VWXYZ", and some people use them to play Steam games for free. You don't have to try out this code though, nobody's a fool to leave out a free Steam key like that out in the open! 

Steam Product Keys Wallet Codes Website

So that's everything you need to know about how to redeem Steam codes for your Steam account. Just please make sure you're redeeming Steam keys for games you'll actually enjoy so you don't have to go through the hassle of refunding games on Steam!

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