Best Lifeline Skins In Apex Legends That Make You Stand Out

Enjoy our collection of the top Lifeline Skins in Apex Legends!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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Best Lifeline Skins In Apex Legends That Make You Stand Out

Lifeline’s journey in Apex Legends started just as the game was released back in February of 2019. Even now after a couple of years, she’s still known as one of the most useful starters legends that you can play. Her healing drone offers your squad the chance to keep fighting, and her care package can arrive just in time to turn the tide. She is a support legend in every way possible, and has managed to stay a consistent pick amongst players. Her usefulness shines in the Arena game mode, which is where she’s arguably picked the most. Her inventory of character skins is large, but still somewhat lacks quality. However, we’ve picked out the best ones to show you on today’s list of the best Lifeline skins in Apex Legends.

Vital Signs

The “Vital Signs” skin for Lifeline is not part of a specific Apex Legends Season Battle Pass or Event. It’s a legendary skin that can be crafted for 1200 Crafting Materials, or unboxed via an Apex Pack.  


Most people agree with the sentiment that Lifeline’s starter legendary skins aren’t really that good, and we think that the “Vital Signs” skin suits Lifeline’s original aesthetic the most. The red and black color scheme seems to be themed after medicine, which makes sense given what Lifeline specializes in. Even though it may not be too unique, it still will make you stand out in-game. Another plus is the fact that you can simply craft it via the legends menu.

My Wave

The “My Wave” skin for Lifeline was released as part of the Apex Legends Dark Depths Event in 2023. It’s a legendary skin that can currently be crafted for 2400 Crafting Materials, unboxed via an Apex Pack, or bought for 1800 Apex Coins. 


The “My Wave” skin is a part of a wave of similarly themed skins that were released during the Dark Depths Event. All of the skins that came from this event were themed around marine life and ocean myths. The main defining traits of this skin would be the fish scale pants and the aqua blue color scheme. It’s hands down one of the better legendary Lifeline skins that are currently available to craft/buy. 

Judge Jury Executioner

The “Judge Jury Executioner” skin for Lifeline was released as part of the Apex Legends Season 2 Iron Crown Event in 2019. It’s a legendary skin that could’ve been bought for 1800 Apex Coins. 


Although lackluster, there are a few skins in her inventory of skins that shine through, and this skin is one of those. The “Judge Jury Executioner” skin takes a bit of an alternative approach when it comes to the design. The gold and black color scheme was a great idea because it could really fit any character. The mask is also a pleasant addition that really complements the rest of the design. Unfortunately, this skin hasn’t been seen in the in-game store since 2019.

Breach and Clear

The “Breach and Clear” skin for Lifeline was released as part of the Apex Legends Season 6 Aftermarket Collection Event in 2020. It’s a legendary skin that could’ve been crafted for 2400 Crafting Materials, or bought for 1800 Apex Coins.


The “Breach and Clear” skin for Lifeline is another one of her skins that are designed differently. The name suggests that it’s themed around SWAT work and everything that encompasses it, especially breaching and clearing. The armor and fitting clutter has been added to the skin in order to make it look authentic, and it worked. However, this skin hasn’t been seen in the shop since the end of 2021.

Ghost Stalker  

The “Ghost Stalker” skin for Lifeline was released as part of the Apex Legends Season 8 War Games Event in 2021. It’s a legendary skin that could’ve been bought in the Ghost Stalker Bundle for 2000 Apex Coins, or in the War Games Bundle for 6000 Apex Coins.


Right off the bat, this skin is an apparent recolor of the “Judge Jury Executioner” skin that was covered earlier in this list. It’s a commonly accepted fact that the “Ghost Stalker” skin is the better of the two, and we wholeheartedly agree. This is mainly due to the unique color scheme that it was recolored in. It’s one of the best skins for Lifeline, so we highly recommend buying it if it ever returns to the in-game shop. 

From the Ashes

The “From the Ashes” skin for Lifeline was released as part of the Apex Legends Season 3 Battle Pass. It’s a legendary skin that could’ve been unlocked by reaching level 53 in the aforementioned Battle Pass.


This could be considered one of the rarest Lifeline skins in Apex Legends, and this is because of the way you could unlock it. The skin itself is the most unique Lifeline skin we’ve ever laid our eyes on, which is also why it’s popular. Battle Pass skins usually never return through events, so the chances of getting your hand on this skin are slim. However, we hold out hope that Respawn Entertainment will bless us with this skin eventually.

Guardian Angel 

The “Guardian Angel” skin was released as part of the Apex Legends Lifeline Edition in 2019. It’s a legendary skin that could’ve initially been bought for $19.99, or 1800 Apex Coins when it was resold at a later date. 


The “Guardian Angel” skin was first released as part of the Lifeline Edition of Apex Legends, which made it pretty unique at first. However, when Respawn Entertainment announced that they were going to be discontinuing these special editions, people were led to believe that the skins included will become exclusive. This didn’t happen, and they were eventually resold. The design is also unlike anything we’ve seen for Lifeline, which is a definite pro.

All in all, the skins that were covered today deserve some praise, even if Lifeline as a whole may not have many good skins. There are other legends that deserve praise for the fashion sense, and we also covered those in the upcoming articles: the top Loba skins in Apex Legends, the top Gibraltar skins in Apex Legends, the top Rampart skins in Apex Legends, and the top Pathfinder skins in Apex Legends. Moving on, we also have a list of the top skins in Apex Legends in case you’re interested in the best skin for every character.

With that being said, we truly hope you enjoyed our take on the best lifeline skins in Apex Legends.

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