How To Spectate Friends in Fortnite

Video games like Fortnite Battle Royale are best enjoyed with friends, so you should learn how to spectate friends in Fortnite!

Updated on Aug 27, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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How To Spectate Friends in Fortnite

Spectating features in multiplayer games like PubG, Elden Ring, and Apex Legends have been a video game staple feature that gamers have enjoyed for several games, especially battle royale games. Epic Games is nice enough to join these games allowing Fortnite players to use a spectate game option in Fortnite Battle Royale. Now you can enjoy Fortnite with friends beyond the Best Couple Skins.

How To Spectate Friends in Fortnite

Spectating friends is available on all platforms in Fortnite Chapter 3. Therefore, even if you play on Xbox One, Fortnite Mobile, or Nintendo Switch you can access the spectate feature in the Fortnite game menu.

To spectate friends games in Battle Royale follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on your friends name in the friends list section of the Battle Royale Menu
  2. Join your friend's lobby and wait 30 seconds. Recent updates made it so you can only spectate Fortnite players in your lobby, and wait 30 seconds before spectating.
  3. Click on your friend's name and select the Watch Game option.
  4. Wait for the game to load you into your friends current game in spectator mode.

Being a gamemode spectator is a fun way to cheer on your Fortnite friends gameplay!


Also, you should know, an observing players count is shown in the bottom left corner of your screen when someone is spectating you. You want to show your friends you can kick it into hardcore mode, so you should sharpen you skills with the Best Fortnite Creative Aim Maps and Best Fortnite Practice Courses.

How To Spectate Enemies in Fortnite

Another way Fortnite gamers can spectate other players is through the spectate surviving players feature. The spectating surviving players feature is the only way you can spectate random players in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Here is how to spectate surviving players in Fortnite Battle Royale:

  1. Get into a game of Fortnite Battle Royale and drop out of the Battle Bus.
  2. Once you’ve landed you can either play till you’re eliminated, or build some Fortnite Structures and eliminate yourself by jumping from a high height.
  3. After being eliminated you’ll be on the spectate screen menu, select the Spectate buttonon the bottom right corner of the screen.

Once you’ve pressed the spectate buttonyou will be brought to the spectate screen where you can watch your enemy play the rest of the game.


If you are eliminated by a player you will spectate the player that eliminated you. After the player you are spectating is eliminated you will spectate the player that eliminated the player you are spectating. The cycle will continue until someone is crowned a Victory Royale, or you stop spectating.

If you want to spectate a random player you can eliminate yourself. If you eliminate yourself in game by taking fall damage or a carefully placed explosive device you will spectate a random player in your Battle Royale lobby.

Additionally, if the player who eliminates you is eliminated quickly, or you both eliminate each other, which happens a lot when using the Best Shotgun, you will spectate a random player.

For some related articles in the how to category check out How To Reboot Fortnite and How To Shuffle Skins in Fortnite.

Did Fortnite Remove Spectating?

Epic Games restricted spectating in Fortnite Chapter 3 so you must be in your friends lobby for at least 30 seconds after the Battle Royale game begins before you can access the spectate option. The main reason behind Epic Games’ decision to restrict the spectating feature in the newest Fortnite Chapter was to eliminate stream sniping.


Stream snipers would spectate streamer's games so they could know a streamer's specific player position, and get an unfair advantage over them. Since stream snipers are a thing, our spectating feature for the average Fortnite player will have required fields. Check out some related posts on the Best Fortnite Streamers and their Real Life Skins.

Thankfully, developers like Pokemon Company and Riot Games are following by example and incorporating a spectating game mode to new titles. Therefore, you won’t have to wait much longer before all your favorite games allow gamers to spectate other gamers. If you’re sad to finish reading about Fortnite I’d suggest checking out more of our recent posts on how to tutorials like How To Transfer Fortnite Skins To New Account and How To Get Old Skins in Fortnite.

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