Can You Cheat In Genshin Impact? [Do Not Skip!]

Genshin Impact simply despises cheating, and has a very powerful anti-cheat system to prevent cheating!

Updated on Mar 06, 2024
Fact checked by Steven Ang |
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Can You Cheat In Genshin Impact? [Do Not Skip!]

One of the hottest RPG open-world games of the decade, Genshin Impact, unfortunately, does allow cheats to be used in-game. Yes, you heard that right, I said Genshin Impact does not allow cheats - and yes, I repeated it because you mustn't try any cheats for Genshin Impact!

Extremely Effective Anti-Cheat Program

Genshin Impact has an anti-cheat program (or anti-cheat engine) that detects any files or executables on the device that may influence the balance in Genshin Impact. If you think that you can outsmart Genshin Impact's anti-cheat program, I urge you, to please stop.

Genshin Impact developers are well-versed and experienced in the field of gaming. They have seen what players are capable and willing to do to get an edge for themselves - be it legitimate or illegal. 

Chances are that whatever cheating method you have thought of, heard, seen, or installed, Genshin Impact developers have considered and ensured all these undetected hacks will get caught.

Genshin Impact Anti-Cheat System Working

All Hacks and Cheats Are Considered and Forbidden

Negative Primogems from Cheating in Genshin Impact

There is no such thing as "disabling in-game cheats" or "undetectable hack" that revolves around Genshin Impact's anti-cheat system - and it applies to other hacks and cheats you may have downloaded for other games, online or offline! Don't say I didn't warn you that Genshin Impact's anti-cheat system is amazing at finding undetected hacks!

With so many different hacks around, Hoyoverse has made it clear that it does not support unfair gameplay, therefore, especially to you PC gamers, ensure that if you install hacks on your device, remove them before you start playing Genshin Impact.

Types of Genshin Impact Cheats

Fun Characters for Fast Exploration Speed

Since Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG game that runs with a gacha mechanic to unlock playable characters, currency and speed hacks are very, very common, hence many shady sites can be seen promoting these sorts of cheats - but please, do not ever fill out your personal information to these sites if they ask for it. 

One type of Genshin Impact hack that tricks most unaware players is those "how to get free Primogems in Genshin Impact" cheats. The only thing you'll be getting is a compromised account that can result in you permanently losing your Genshin Impact account.

Speed hacks in Genshin Impact, although harmless, ruin the general fairness aspect for other players who do not use the cheat. The game urges you to learn how to save up Primogems so that you can commit pulls for characters that help with exploration!

The extensive, beautiful map is meant to be explored with the current characters and speed, so I suggest you take on exploration with a different perspective. 

Take it slow and easy and listen to the background music, and I can assure you, that Genshin Impact's gameplay will be a lot more enjoyable! You can also use some of the most fun-to-play characters in Genshin Impact to aid with exploration!

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