Best Skins Gnar | LoL

Discover the best skins Gnar LoL and start destroying your enemies in the top lane. Check the top skins Gnar League of Legends and dominate now!

Updated on Aug 08, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Skins Gnar | LoL

Gnar is one of the most useful champions played in the top lane in Teamfights, not in vain, he is one of the so-called "safe picks" in LoL tournaments due to his versatility and physical damage. For this reason, and because we know that you are a lover of the top lane, I present to you the best skins Gnar LoL so that you can dominate with this incredible League of Legends champion.

He stands out for his incredible transformation into "Mega Gnar" an unstoppable beast that can be decisive in Teamfights thanks to his powerful ultimate (R), which makes him an incredible option if you like to destroy towers and help your team in all situations. phases of the game, without further ado, the best Gnar skins LoL created by Riot Games:

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Astronaut Gnar

If we had to talk about the most beautiful and creative skins of the champion, without a doubt Astronaut Gnar series one of them, and that is that together with Astronaut Bard, this skin is one of the best astronaut skins that have been released.


This astronaut skin makes you feel like a cute cadet (Mini Gnar) and then a powerful space beast (Mega Gnar), all with the same skin! Includes new combat animations for Gnar's signature boomerang, as well as a new champion skin that makes him stand out in the summoner's rift.


Astronaut Gnar skin costs 1350 RP and was released in May 2020, it is a must have skin if you consider yourself a main Gnar or want to master this powerful champion and look amazing on the top lane.


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SSG Gnar

The winners of the World championship in 2017 had the opportunity to choose which champions would have a new skin and thus SSG Gnar was born (and also others such as SSG Jarvan IV). This is a skin that makes Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar stand out with a beautiful white color and playful game appearance, quite an experience to try in Summoner's Rift.


This skin includes new combat animations as well as his recall animation, making Gnar feel like one of the most powerful characters in the game as he throws his adorable boomerang or jumps on his enemies.v


This skin costs 1350 RP and was released in July 2018, it is an incredible option if you are a lover of League of Legends tournaments and want to get noticed in the summoner's rift!


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Elderwood Gnar

Elderwood skins in League of Legends have one thing in common: They are awesome! And Elderwood Gnar is no exception. It is the most recent skin of the champion and it gives a fresh image and a beautiful splash art that will make you own one of the best skins of the champion.


This Gnar skin includes new animations and a fabulous recall animation. On the other hand, the image of Mega Gnar becomes a powerful beast protector of the natural world, it is impossible to get bored playing with this incredible skin!


This skin costs 1350 RP and was released in January 2023, it is an incredible option if you are one of those players who would like to try their favorite League of Legends champion with an incredible design!


Gnar has multiple skins that are incredible like: Gentleman Gnar and Dino Gnar, all of them make you have a new model of Gnar to be used in the summoner's rift. 

Gnar is an incredible champion for conquering the top lane, as Mini Gnar, you will be a ranged character who can attack opponents safely and, as Mega Gnar, you will be able to be a formidable melee combatant. Without a doubt an incredible champion in the right hands!

Take a look at our complete LoL skins list and discover the best skins for your favorite champions, you can also take a look at the best skins Gragas LoL and know everything about this powerful champion that is being used as Jungler and Top laner!

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