How to Fix Xbox One Controller Keeps Disconnecting [7 Ways]

Fixing your Xbox One controller that keeps disconnecting isn't all that difficult. One way to do it is by fully restarting your console and controller!

Updated on Mar 09, 2024
Fact checked by Dean Nastevski |
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How to Fix Xbox One Controller Keeps Disconnecting [7 Ways]

Restart your Xbox Console and Controller

When your Xbox One controller keeps disconnecting, the first way to fix it is by restarting it alongside your console. It's pretty quick, so here's how to restart your Xbox One controller and console:

  1. Press and hold your console's power button until it shuts down
  2. Wait 2-5 minutes, then turn on your console
  3. Press and hold the controller's Xbox button at the top until it turns off
  4. Wait around 5 minutes, then turn it back on
  5. Check if the Xbox controller is connected to the console

Xbox Console and Controller Power Button Restart

Resetting your Xbox One controller will work best if you haven't turned off your console and controller for a while. Power cycling the Xbox One console as well should refresh things up a little bit when your Xbox One controller keeps disconnecting!

Check the Xbox One Controller's Cable

If you're using a wired connection for the Xbox controller on your console or PC using a USB cable, then it might be time to test it out. The best way to test your controller's cable is to use a different USB cable that definitely works.

Xbox Controller and Console USB Cable

If the different cable works like a charm not causing any problems, then the cable was at fault making your controller disconnect all the time! Trying to tweak the old cable around the controller might also tell you whether it's working as it should. But you may cause more problems, so the best way to test this is using a different cable.

Turn Off the Xbox One Controller Vibrations

Using an older Xbox controller will wear it out over long periods of time. With the vibrations turned on, it can mess up the Bluetooth or cable connection inside, and turning them off might help. So if you're using an older Xbox One controller that keeps disconnecting here's how to turn off the controller's vibrations on the Xbox One console:

  1. Open up the Settings on the Xbox One console
  2. Go to the "Devices and Connections" tab on the left side
  3. Select the "Accessories" option
  4. Click on "Configure" on your Xbox One controller
  5. Create a profile if you haven't already done so
  6. Select the pencil option on the profile to edit it
  7. Scroll below on the left and turn off the "Turn on vibration" option

Xbox One Console Turn Off Controller Vibrations

The vibrations might've been messing up with the chips inside your old controller, so know that this is mostly a temporary solution. But for a while, you should be able to stream Xbox to Discord unless you try out the rest of the solutions!

Update Your Xbox One Controller

Having an outdated controller firmware might be causing it to keep disconnecting from your Xbox One console or PC. What you can try to do is update the Xbox One controller firmware. Here's how to update an Xbox One controller:

  1. On a PC, download the Xbox Accessories app
  2. Connect your controller to the PC and check for updates in the app
  3. On an Xbox console, go to "Settings" and select "Devices and Connections"
  4. From there, go to "Accessories" and click on "Configure"
  5. Click on the triple dots under the "Configure" option for your Xbox One controller
  6. Select "No update available", and click on Continue to check and update your controller

Xbox One Console Update Controller

Regardless of whether you have outdated controller firmware or not, the button will say there are none. But it will run a check once you select it. On PC, the app will instantly tell you if there's a controller firmware update once you open it. Then you're free to try and connect your Xbox controller to Steam!

Replace the Xbox One Controller's Batteries

When you play using Bluetooth, after a while the controller battery will get drained completely. If that's the case, definitely consider changing the controller's battery pack. You can see how much there's left of the Xbox One controller's battery pack on the top right corner of your console.

Xbox One Controller Check and Change Batteries

The Xbox One controller uses AA batteries that can be changed on the back of it. If you're using a rechargeable controller battery, you can also plug it into a power source using a USB cable to get it to full capacity again! 

Get Closer to the Xbox Console With The Controller

This solution is for the ones who use the Xbox One wireless controller with Bluetooth. Sometimes all you'll have to do is get closer to your Xbox One console or PC with the controller. This may be more effective for players who use an older Xbox controller since over time, the Bluetooth chip will start to not work for big distances!

If getting closer to the console fixed the issue for you, then try to voice change on Xbox to see if everything's going well! But in case the Xbox One controller keeps disconnecting, then switching to a wired controller might just solve the issue for you. 

Try Using Cable (If You Used Bluetooth)

Supposing you're using Bluetooth, what you should try is connecting your Xbox controller with a cable. There's a more stable connection between your console and controller by using a USB cable instead of Bluetooth so that just might resolve your problem!

Another thing you should note considering a cable solves the controller disconnection error is that the problem lies in the Bluetooth chip. So if you don't like using a cable, consider fixing the controller or getting a new one.

And that's everything there is on how to fix an Xbox One controller that keeps disconnecting. Most of the time, a simple restart should fix it. But if you're using an older Xbox One controller, then it might've gotten messed up inside over longer periods of time not allowing you to play games and even connect your Discord account to Xbox!

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