Best Brimstone Stim Beacon Lineups on Bind [2024 Guide]

See the Brimstone lineups for attacking rounds on Bind including strategic delays for bomb defusal and spike planting on both sites.

Updated on Mar 04, 2024
Fact checked by Eddie Lemon |
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Best Brimstone Stim Beacon Lineups on Bind [2024 Guide]

B Site Left Side Default Plant Delay

Almost every time, the attacking team will plant on the left side default of B Site because it is safe from multiple angles from the defending side. However, it is really easy to play the bomb for the attacks because it is open to the most common post-plant spots, like B Long and Hookah. This lineup will delay the bomb defuser in the default area of B Site.

To do this lineup, stand on the corner of the wall seen at the edge of B Long. Look at the sky, then place the inverted triangle seen in the bottom of the ability indicator at the second triangular part of the roof seen at the entrance of B Garden. Perform a standing shot, and the incendiary will land exactly in the default area.

Outside Hookah Position To B Site Default Plant Delay

Like the previous lineup, this will prevent the defenders from defusing the spike when it is planted in the default area of B Site. This lineup is pretty slow, so make sure to time it carefully to secure the round win for your team.

To do this lineup, stand in the corner in front of the two brown boxes seen outside of Hookah. Place your crosshair in the second wood piece seen on the roof of Hookah. Then aim higher until the shield HUD touches the bottom of the wood piece in the roof of Hookah, then perform a standing shot. This lineup is also pretty slow to travel because of its height, so time it perfectly to win the round easily!

B Site Right Side Default Plant Delay

This lineup is really similar to the left side plant delay, and the only difference is that it lands on the right side of B site default. The attacking team rarely plants on the right side of the default spot in B because it is open to fewer angles when playing post-plant situations. However, this is still a great lineup to add to your bag of tricks to be ready when the time comes!

This lineup is really similar to the left side plant delay, and the only difference is that it lands on the right side of B Site default. The attacking team rarely plants on the right side of the default spot in B because it is open to fewer angles when playing post-plant situations. However, this is still a great lineup to add to your bag of tricks to be ready when the time comes, especially if you want to counter Duelist Agents with it!

To perform this lineup, stand in the corner of the two brown boxes seen just outside Hookah. Look at the roof of Hookah and place your crosshair on the tenth stick wood piece, then line the bottom of the health and shield HUD in the top of the said stick. Perform a standing shot, and the incendiary will bounce once and land exactly on the right side of the default planting spot.

A Site Default Plant From A Short Position Delay

The usual planting spot in A Site is either in front of the Truck or Triple Box since both areas are safe from multiple defender angles. Defenders will usually check A Short to kill enemies trying to play a post-plant position. This lineup is pretty easy to do, and it is on a really safe angle, preventing enemies from seeing you or killing you. It's also one of the reasons why I consider Brimstone to be one of the best Agents on Bind, as well as one of the best Controller Agents in the game.

To do this lineup, stand in the left corner in front of the little stairs in A Lobby. Place your crosshair exactly on top of you, and line it exactly on the edge of the metallic roof. Perform a standing shot, and the incendiary will bounce several times and then land on the bottom of the Truck seen in A Site. The timing is pretty easy to get because it travels quickly compared to the other lineups in this list, so make sure to use this in your games!

A Short Position To Triple Box Default

Triple Box is a common spot where attackers plant the spike because it is safe and, at the same time, open to the Showers and sometimes the Heaven area during post-plant situations. This lineup will land exactly in front of the Triple Box spot where the spike is usually planted.

To do this lineup, stand on top of the barrel seen in the corner of the wall in A Lobby. Look up in the sky and place your crosshair on top of the beam seen in the tower. Use the ability indicator as a guide, line the middle of it in the blinking red light of the beam, then perform a standing shot. The incendiary will travel slowly, so make sure to time it perfectly to prevent enemies from defusing the spike in the Triple Box spot.

Outside Showers To A Default Plant Delay

There is a previous lineup that teaches how to delay the plant in A Default from A Short. Still, it is a great practice to have variety in your lineups to trick the enemies and make it harder for them to kill you when trying to perform these lineups. Usually, enemies will try to push A Short, but this lineup is an excellent addition since it is performed in an unusual spot, which is outside Showers.

To do this lineup, stand on the corner beside the teleporter, where the two small brown boxes are seen. Place your crosshair in the sky, and use the Stim Beacon ability indicator as a guide. Place the top edge of the Stim Beacon icon in the edge of the rightmost leaf of the third coconut tree seen on top of you. Perform a standing throw, and the Stim Beacon will land in front of the Truck in A Site.

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