What Does a Stock Do In Apex Legends Exactly?

Having a good stock is kind of like having good foundations on your house. Not only will it give you stability, but it gives you a host of other benefits too.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Hristijan Pavlovski |
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What Does a Stock Do In Apex Legends Exactly?

What do Standard Stocks Give You in Apex Legends?

For all intents and purposes, Standard Stocks give you the same bonuses as Sniper Stocks. The main difference lies in the value of said bonuses.

Standard Stocks

Since there are 3 tiers of Stocks in Apex Legends, this translates into 3 incremental increases. This can really stack over time. It can even make some of the worst weapons in Apex Legends somewhat viable. 

StatStandard Rare Epic Description
Reload Time-3.3%-6.7%-10%The time required to reload your magazines
Deploy/Holster Time-15%-20%-25%The time needed to switch from this weapon to another weapon
Raise/Lower Time-10%-15%-20%The time required to put away and ready your weapon after performing an action
ADS Time-15%-20%-25%The time required to aim down sight 
Aim Drift-15%-25%-45%The amount of sway you experience when ADSing

The reason you should equip a stock onto your gun is that stocks give your weapons reduced reload time, reduced deploy and holster time, reduced raise/lower time, reduced ADS time, and reduced aim drift. Stocks are some of, if not the most important attachments in the game, with the only other contender being the optics.

While these changes might seem minute at first, they become really noticeable once you reach Platinum in Apex, as that's the rank when most players become exceptionally lethal. As such, you need every advantage you can get.

What do Sniper Stocks Give You in Apex Legends

The best sniper rifles in Apex are the best only because of how customizable they are. Stock weapons are mediocre at best, however, with the right attachments, any weapon can shine.

Sniper Stocks

StatStandard Rare Epic Description
Reload Time-3.3%-6.7%-10%The time required to reload your magazine
Deploy/Holster Time-15%-20%-25%The time required to switch to another weapon
Raise/Lower Time-10%-15%-20%The time required to put away or ready the weapon after performing an action
ADS Time-10%-15%-20%The time required to aim down sight
Aim Drift-30%-50%-80%The amount of weapon sway while ADSing
Drift Speed-10%-15%-20%The amount of drift you encounter while ADSing

Semi-automatic rifles tend to benefit more from having a sniper stock equipped. That being said. You should have a sniper stock attached regardless of what sniper you're running with, as the benefits are simply too good to pass up. 

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