Are There Bots in Overwatch 2? [Actual Truth]

Bots in Overwatch 2 are only available in specific game modes. Lets take a look at what bots actually are and where to find them.

Updated on Oct 02, 2023
Fact checked by Charlee Anthony |
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Are There Bots in Overwatch 2? [Actual Truth]

Are There Bots in Overwatch 2?

Bots, in general, are only given access to matches if the developers implement it. So, in short, no, you are not experiencing bots while playing a match in Overwatch 2.

Bots are only allowed in Custom Games, Story Missions, or Training, which are all available to you if you wish to take that route! Otherwise, bots are only implemented within these two modes while "matchmaking". 

How Do I Activate Bots in Custom Games?

Activating bots in Custom Games is a great way to hone your skills and practice with your favorite heroes without the frustration of bad teammates. The steps are pretty simple to follow in order to begin playing with them:

  1. Navigate the Custom Games screen and select "Create".
  2. Once in the creative mode, navigate to your top far right corner, where it will say "Add AI".
  3. From here, you will be given the options to select the hero, difficulty, how many, and the teams.

Adding bots in Overwatch 2

Adding bots to a custom game is rather simple and only takes a few clicks. 

There are many ways to take advantage of bots, including learning how to counter specific heroes that are difficult to fight, including countering Lucio or beating Reaper. It's especially good if you want to find the best DPS heroes for yourself, as they all require an entirely different playstyle.

If you want to learn how to counter even the toughest heroes, you will understand how to rank up quickly and effectively!

How Do I Activate Bots in Player vs. AI?

In Player vs. AI mode, you perform similarly as you would in custom games, except with a few differences. This game mode is also extremely easy to navigate and play quickly! Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Navigate to the Training module located on the far right of the matchmaking options.
  2. Select Training and then select the Player vs. AI mode.
  3. From here, you will be given three difficulties, Casual, Hard, and Lethal. Select your preference. 

Player Vs. AI Training

Keep in mind that Player vs. AI is not the same as Custom Games. The bots are chosen for you, and you have to play against what is generated automatically. 

This type of training is typically for anyone who is looking to practice but not against any specific character.

Which Heroes Are Used as Bots?

There are a total of 12 heroes who are available to be used within the Overwatch 2, the Player vs. AI game mode. Over time, this may change as Blizzard Entertainment adds new heroes like the newer tank, Ramattra. 

For now, some bots you may face include Roadhog, Zarya, Bastion, Cassidy, Mei, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Torbjörn, Ana, Lúcio, and Zenyatta. 

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