Albion Online File Size For Every Platform [Newest Update]

Learn all about the download size of Albion for Windows, macOS, IOS, and Android!

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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Albion Online File Size For Every Platform [Newest Update]

Developed and released by Sandbox Interactive GmbH, Albion Online is an open-world fantasy MMORPG title created for everyone but the console players. And yes, that includes you, a random Linux highbrow. It was initially released in 2017 for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and due to its huge commercial success, the German developers have decided to release it for iOS and Android. Since then, the game has received numerous updates on all platforms. But has the game's initial download size of 1.5 GB increased as a result? Stick with us, and you'll find out.

Where Can I Play Albion Online?

You can play Albion Online on the following platforms:

Sandbox Interactive highly recommends installing the game onto the desktop's SSD drive for the optimal gameplay experience.

What Is The Download Size of Albion Online?

To download Albion Online, you'll need from 1.8 GB to over 2.6 GB, depending on the platform. Find out how many gigabytes Albion Online has on each specific platform in the table below:

Should you decide to download Albion Online through Steam, you'll need an extra 300 MB for the Steam client.

Moreover, if you're downloading an Android app through one of the third-party websites, its size is 110 MB.

Where Can I Download Albion Online?

Depending on your preferred platform, you can officially download Albion Online on:

If the official download source is unavailable to you for some reason, don't worry, as there are many third-party websites that you can use to download the game, whether it's a computer or mobile version. In addition, being a free-to-play title allows downloading from various sources without connecting your credit card or other payment methods.

Small Game With Plenty To Offer

Don't let its meager size fool you — this online role playing sandbox game features a vast world with lots of content, quests, items, player driven economy, and much more! What makes this game distinctive is the outstanding method of character customization, where you can use a Destiny Board and experiment with your hero's build without being limited to any specific class.


The reason behind its small size is mainly due to its cartoon-like graphic style rather than a realistic one. This allows for more compactness, letting anyone install it on any supported device. Generally speaking, games that are extensive in size deter many players from even downloading them, especially on smartphones.

All of the above is why this game had over 5 million installs on Play Store only, excluding the other platforms, and even though the game had a rough start, it has maintained a stable player base over the years. If you still haven't tried it, it's never too late for that. Besides, it's completely free! In summation, Albion Online is an indie game, and these types of games usually require much less space and hardware requirements than more notable titles. For instance, if you consider the GTA V, Destiny 2, or even World of Tanks download size, you'll realize that they require plenty of storage space, and this is where Albion Online has the advantage.

You might also be interested in knowing if there are bots in Albion Online.

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