What is The Highest ELO & Rank in Brawlhalla? [Overview]

The highest rank in Brawlhalla is Valhallan, awarded to the top players in each region, with no fixed ELO threshold, while the highest ELO achieved is 3004.

Updated on Feb 25, 2024
Fact checked by Steven Ang |
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What is The Highest ELO & Rank in Brawlhalla? [Overview]

What is The Highest Rank in Brawlhalla?

The highest rank right now in Brawlhalla is Valhallan; it used to be Diamond at 2000 ELO in previous seasons, but now the Valhallan rank in Brawlhalla is given to the top 150–200 players in each region and is not based on a fixed ELO threshold.

RankELO Range
Tin650 - 950
Bronze950 - 1250
Silver1250 - 1389

1389 - 1682

1682 - 1999

US-E / EU: Top 150
BRZ: Top 100
SEA / US-W: Top 50
AUS / JPN: Top 25

Highest ELO Ever in Brawlhalla

The highest ELO rating achieved in Brawlhalla is 3004 by Sandstorm. Sandstorm was the first to break the 3000 ELO barrier in March 2020, which remains to this day one of the most iconic achievements in the Brawlhalla community. That said, while Valhallan is the highest rank, there isn't an ELO cap in Brawlhalla. Yeah, it's infinite!

However, it is unlikely to go over 3000, because the system rewards you with points based on your MMR and the MMR of your opponents. Plus, if you are above anyone else in ELO you will gain very little when winning, and lose a lot for a loss.

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