What are the uses of Radianite Points in Valorant?

Wonder how Valorant Points (VP) and Radianite Points (RP) differ from each other? Here's the answer.

Updated on Aug 23, 2023
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What are the uses of Radianite Points in Valorant?

Aside from Valorant Points (VP), another form of in-game currency in Riot Games' first-person shooting game is Radianite Points (RP), used for upgrades that provide no advantages in-game.

If you have plenty of Radianite Points but don't know where to use them, here's a complete guide on how to earn and spend them.

Using Valorant Radianite Points

Radianite Points cannot be used to buy agents or unlock tier levels, but they can upgrade weapon skins, animations, and visual effects. You can get weapon skins in two ways — by purchasing them using Valorant Points or by finishing agent contracts.

If you already have unlocked a weapon skin, you can use Radianite Points to evolve certain weapon skins and unlock other content types like new visual effects, audio, animations, unique finishers, and variants.


If you want to upgrade skins with Radianite Points, here is the step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the Collection tab, and select the weapon you wish to upgrade a skin
  2. Select the skin
  3. On the right side, a table will appear which shows you the upgrades available
  4. Purchase the upgrade using your RPs

Each upgrade usually costs around 10 to 15 Radianite points. Even Radianite Points can be acquired for free, you still want to use them wisely on skins you'll use a lot.

Acquiring Valorant Radianite Points

The easiest way to acquire Radianite Points is through the battle pass, which can be easily completed by finishing the daily and weekly missions. Aside from the battle pass, you can also get Radianite Points by finishing agent contracts.


You can also earn Radianite Points by buying it using Valorant Points, which are bought with real money. Here's a guide if you'd wish to convert your Valorant Points into Radianite Points:

  • 20 Valorant Points convert to 1600 Radiniate Points
  • 40 Valorant Points convert to 2800 Radianite Points
  • 80 Valorant Points convert to 4800 Radianite Points

Radianite Points VS Valorant Points

The main difference between Radianite Points and Valorant Points is that Valorant Points can buy majorities of stuff like Agent Contracts, Premium Battle Passes, and skins. Meanwhile, Radianite Points can only evolve weapon skins with multiple levels, meaning you can't acquire a new skin.

Getting weapon skins by finishing agents' contracts is limited to the sidearms — Classic, Shorty, Frenzy, Ghost, and Sheriff. But you must note that weapon upgrades are only available to specific skins.

Upgrading your weapons do not make them any stronger, but they will add some extra cosmetics to certain skins that you buy.

In the end, Valorant Points are still the main currency of Valorant's in-game store, and Radianite Points are useless if the skins you already own don't have available upgrades since only certain weapon skins have them.

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