Best Poppy Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Destroy everyone with your mighty hammer as Poppy. Master her by learning her best build, runes, spells, and items by reading this comprehensive guide!

Updated on Aug 08, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Poppy Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Poppy might be one of the most memed champions in League of Legends, but that does not mean that she is weak. In fact, some players even use her to carry solo queue games because of her amazing tank kit. Here is a complete Poppy guide that teaches her build, runes, spells, and items in League of Legends

Best Poppy Build

The keeper of the hammer is extremely tanky and can survive in the top lane without any problems. In fact, Poppy is even used on some pro games because of her great kit. If you want to main Poppy, then follow everything that is shown below. You will surely see a boost in your win rate percentage. Do everything perfectly!


Best Poppy Runes

The runes differ if you play either Poppy jungle or top lane. However, Poppy is usually played in the jungle during the newer seasons, so here are the best runes for her as a jungle champion.

Best Rune Path



Best Keystone

Dark Harvest

Best Slot 1 (Rune)

Cheap Shot


Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Eyeball Collector


Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Relentless Hunter

Dark harvest is currently the best rune for her because she is able to burst enemy champions more easily. Also, she does not need that much damage because she only relies on crowd control to help teammates, so the sub-runes are more suited for her bruiser playstyle. Nevertheless, Poppy is a really strong early game champion no matter what runes you use.

Best Poppy Rune Shards

You can be pretty flexible when choosing rune shards for Poppy. If you want to be tankier, then choose two defense rune shards. However, if you want to reach an earlier average power spike, then choose two offensive runes and one defensive rune. Offensive rune shards are better most of the time because they will improve Poppy's basic attack and physical damage.

Best Rune Shards



+9 Adaptive Force


+9 Adaptive Force


+6 Armor

Best Poppy Summoner Spells

As mentioned previously, players usually go with Poppy jungle, so the strongest summoner spells for her are flash and smite. These should always be what you use because flash offers flexibility, such as escaping unfavorable situations and smite for finishing important jungle camps and objectives.

Best Spells




Best Poppy Ability Order

Thankfully, Poppy players can follow a single skill order whether they play the jungle or top lane. Leveling hammer shock is the best because it is your main source of dealing damage. Next is focusing on leveling heroic charge to lessen its cooldown, which will give you more chances to deal crowd control to enemies.


Best Poppy Items

No matter what anyone says, managing League of Legends items is hard, especially since there are multiple stages in the game. Also, champions have different roles and stats that are improved by specific items. Nevertheless, buying equipment will become easy if you have something to follow, especially a guide. Here are the best Poppy items for all stages of the game.

Best Early Game Poppy Items

Like all junglers, Poppy should start with an essential jungle item. It will give her bonus stats on the jungle area. Do not forget a refillable potion to increase your sustain when killing camps. After buying the required equipment for jungling, look into buying some items for the mythic item of your choice.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item



Control Ward

Bami’s Cinder

Best Mid Game Poppy Items

Out of all the mythic items released by Riot Games, divine sunderer is probably the best one for Poppy players. This will strengthen her auto attack and burst potential. Next, look into buying a bruiser item, like dead man's plate, to increase your survivability in skirmishes.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item


Plated Steelcaps

Control Ward

Dead Man’s Plate

Best Late Game Poppy Items

After finishing your mythic item, it is best to stock up on more defensive items to get really tanky. Items like force of nature, thornmail, and frozen heart really compliment Poppy's kit, especially her shielding that enables her to become the sole front line during team fights. However, there are certain instances where you can buy attack damage items when you are super fed and you want to snowball. Still, the items below are the recommended build path for her.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item


Plated Steelcaps

Dead Man’s Plate

Force of Nature


Frozen Heart

Best Champions To Pair With Poppy

These champions are the best to pair with Poppy because they deal a ton of damage and decent crowd control, enabling Poppy to combo enemies, shield-bash, for example. Look into it that you always get officially involved with these champions to have a high win rate!


Win Rate %








Strongest Champions Against Poppy

Three of the champions below are weak against Poppy because their kit forces them to fight her in close skirmishes, and that is where Poppy is the strongest. Most League of Legends games favor Poppy when these three are her matchup.


Win Rate %








Weakest Champions Against Poppy

If the previous champions are weak against Poppy, then these three are really strong against her since they also have a tanky kit that Poppy will have a struggle dealing with. Look into banning these champions from having a higher chance of winning games!


Win Rate %


Lee Sin






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