Best Sett Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Sett build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the top lane like a boss by playing this champion!

Updated on Aug 07, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Sett Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

If you love playing those bruiser and tanky champions in the top lane and deal true damage with your abilities, then Sett lands perfect for you. Let's discover the best and top Sett build, skill order, Sett runes, counters, and how to destroy the enemy team with our best Sett guide. Let's start!

Best Sett Build

Sett's abilities are really strong during a team fight and it's a decent 1vs1 champion, so to take advantage of the left and right punches and Sett's massive punch you will need to get some tank and damage items. Remember, Sett can return the damage taken from enemies, so getting tank items is so important in the late game.


Best Sett Runes

Sett is an amazing League of legends champion and getting the right runes is so important to guarantee you can be useful during the match. So, some recommended runes for Sett are located inside the precision tree, with Conqueror, Triumph, Legend alacrity, and Last stand. On the other hand, as secondary runes set Resolve is perfect with Second wind, and Unflinching.

Best Rune Path


Best Sett Runes


Best Sett Runes

Best Keystone


Best Sett Runes

Best Slot 1 (Rune)


Best Sett Runes

Second Wind

Best Sett Runes

Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Legend: Alacrity

Best Sett Runes


Best Sett Runes

Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Last Stand

Best Sett Runes

Best Sett Rune Shards

Rune shards are perfect for surviving during the laning phase if you're dealing with a difficult match-up, so choosing the right rune shards is important for Sett. Choose the following rune shards: Offense (+10% attack speed), Offense (+9 Adaptive force), and Flex (+6 armor), this will help you to bully your enemies in the early game.

Best Rune Shards



Best Sett Runes

+10% attack speed


Best Sett Runes

+9 Adaptive Force


Best Sett Runes

+6 armor

Best Sett Summoner's Spells

Summoner spells are the best way to outplay enemies and make incredible combos. For this Sett guide, the most useful summoner spells are Flash and Ignite, but you may also use Flash and Teleport if you want to protect your farming level during the laning phase against difficult matchups.

Best Spells



Best Sett Summoner's Spells


Best Sett Summoner's Spells

Best Sett Abilities Order

To master Sett, you don't only need to get the best items and know the next two attacks mechanics. If you want to one-shot other champions and love dealing damage at the summoner's rift, then follow this skill order: Knuckle Down (Q), Haymaker (W), and Facebreaker (E). As advice, when fighting against enemy champions, reserve your W and E until the end, that way you will deal more damage to surrounding enemies during the team fights with your W and your E can guarantee you hit at least one enemy.


Best Sett items

Now you know very well the Sett skill order and how his physical damage works, it's time to know more about the Sett build you should use to destroy the enemy champions, increase your win rate and dominate the summoner's rift. Let's start!

Best Starter Sett Items

There is not much variation when choosing the best starter items for Sett. If you're playing against ranged champions, then a Doran's shield and some health potions are the perfect choices. But, on the other hand, if you want to easily win early-game trades against melee champions, a Doran's Blade and some health potions are the right choices.

First Item

Second Item

Doran’s Shield

Best Starter Sett Items

Health Potion

Best Starter Sett Items

Best Mid Game Sett Items

In the mid-game, there are some objects that are really great for Sett. So, the Blade of the ruined king, Stridebreaker and Titanic Hydra is perfect for the mid-game. But you can also get some plated steelcaps to have some armor against auto attacks enemies. You can choose between Stridebreaker and Goredrinker as mythic items for the Sett build.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Blade of the Ruined King

Best Mid Game Sett Items


Best Mid Game Sett Items

Titanic Hydra

Best Mid Game Sett Items

Best Final Late Game Sett Items

In the late game is where the Sett fight shines the most and can easily heal from damage taken by enemies. So, the final late-game Sett build should have these items: Stridebreaker, Blade of the ruined, Titanic Hydra, Sterak's Gage, Plated steelcaps, and Death's Dance. The last two items will help you to be more tank and return more damage with Haymaker (W).

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Blade of the Ruined King

Best Final Late Game Sett Items


Best Final Late Game Sett Items

Titanic Hydra

Best Final Late Game Sett Items

Plated Steelcaps

Best Final Late Game Sett Items

Sterak's Gage

Best Final Late Game Sett Items

Death's Dance

Best Final Late Game Sett Items

Best Champions to pair Sett with

Sett is a perfect champion with great synergy with high burst champions or high CC champions. For that reason, Rek'sai , Sejuani, and Jarvan IV are amazing to pair with Sett. Try to take as much advantage as you can if you pair with any of these champions at the summoner's rift. You may also read our guide about the best build Xayah League of Legends, who is another good champion to pair with Sett. 


Win Rate %




Best Champions to pair Sett with



Best Champions to pair Sett with

Jarvan IV


Best Champions to pair Sett with

Strongest Champions against Sett

On the other hand, Kled, Volibear, and Gragas are so strong against Sett, so avoid playing and left quickly the champion selection if you see one of those champions in the enemy team. Sett is too weak against those champions that can heal during the lane phase or can apply CC during the damage trades.


Win Rate %




Strongest Champions against Sett



Strongest Champions against Sett



Strongest Champions against Sett

Weakest Champions against Sett

Finally, Gwen, Jayce and Singed are too weak against Sett, so do not hesitate to play Sett against low mobility champions or against those high burst damage champions. Remember, Sett can easily return the damage taken from the enemies by using the Haymaker (W).


Win Rate %




Weakest Champions against Sett



Weakest Champions against Sett



Weakest Champions against Sett

If you're interested in learning more about wonderful builds for your champions, take a look at our guide about the best build Darius League of Legends, and start dominating the top lane with this amazing champion. See you at the summoner's rift!

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